Schema to validate arrays.
Extends: Schema
The ArraySchema class allows you to validate arrays based on a specified validation rule.
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values.
See TypeCode
ArraySchema([dynamic valueType, bool? req, List<IValidationRule> rules])
- valueType: dynamic - type of array elements. Null means that elements may have any type.
- required: bool? - (optional) true to always require non-null values.
- rules: List<IValidationRule> - (optional) list with validation rules.
Instance methods
Gets the type of array elements. Null means that elements may have any type.
dynamic getValueType()
- returns: dynamic - type of array elements.
Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.
void performValidation(String? path, dynamic value, List<ValidationResult> results)
- path: String? - dot notation path to the value.
- value: dynamic - value to be validated.
- results: List<ValidationResult> - list with validation results.
Sets the type of array elements. Null means that elements may have any type.
void setValueType(dynamic value)
- value: dynamic - type of array elements.
var schema = ArraySchema(TypeCode.String);
schema.validate(['A', 'B', 'C']); // Result: no errors
schema.validate([1, 2, 3]); // Result: element type mismatch
schema.validate('A'); // Result: type mismatch