
Result generated by a schema validation.


The ValidationResult class provides a representation of the result generated by a schema validation.


Creates a new instance of a validation ressult and sets its values.

See ValidationResultType

ValidationResult([String? path, ValidationResultType? type, String? code, String? message, dynamic expected, dynamic actual])

  • path: String? - dot notation path of the validated element.
  • type: ValidationResultType? - type of the validation result: Information, Warning, or Error.
  • code: String? - error code.
  • message: String? - human readable message.
  • expected: dynamic - value expected by a schema validation.
  • actual: dynamic - actual value found by a schema validation.

Instance methods


Gets the actual value found by a schema validation.

dynamic getActual()

  • returns: dynamic - actual value.


Gets the error code.

String getCode()

  • returns: String - error code


Gets the value expected by a schema validation.

dynamic getExpected()

  • returns: dynamic - expected value.


Gets the human readable message.

String getMessage()

  • returns: String - result message.


Gets the dot notation path of the validated element.

String getPath()

  • returns: String - path of the validated element.


Gets the dot notation path of the validated element.

ValidationResultType getType()