
Creates a whitespace state.

Implements: IWhitespaceState


The GenericWhitespaceState allows you to create a whitespace state.

Important points

  • A whitespace state ignores whitespace (such as blanks and tabs), and returns the tokenizer’s next token. By default, all characters from 0 to 32 are whitespace.


Constructs a whitespace state with a default idea of what characters are, in fact, whitespace.


Instance methods


Clears definitions of whitespace characters.


void clearWhitespaceChars()


Ignores whitespace (such as blanks and tabs), and returns the tokenizer’s next token.


Token? nextToken(IScanner scanner, ITokenizer? tokenizer)

  • scanner: IScanner - text string to be tokenized.
  • tokenizer: ITokenizer? - tokenizer class that controls the process.
  • returns: Token? - next token from the top of the stream.


Establishes the given characters as whitespace to ignore.


void setWhitespaceChars(int fromSymbol, int toSymbol, bool enable)

  • fromSymbol: int - first character index of the interval.
  • toSymbol: int - last character index of the interval.
  • enable: bool - true if this state should ignore characters in the given range.