
Interface for tokenizers.


The ITokenizer interface defines the main elements of a tokenizer.

Important points

  • A tokenizer divides a string into tokens. This class is highly customizable with regard to exactly how this division occurs, but it also has defaults that are suitable for many languages. This class assumes that the character values read from the string lie in the range 0-255. For example, the Unicode value of a capital A is 65, so String.fromCharCode(65) prints out a capital A.

  • The behavior of a tokenizer depends on its character state table. This table is an array of 256 TokenizerState states. The state table decides which state to enter upon reading a character from the input string.

  • For example, by default, upon reading an ‘A’, a tokenizer will enter a “word” state. This means the tokenizer will ask a WordState object to consume the ‘A’, along with the characters after the ‘A’ that form a word. The state’s responsibility is to consume characters and return a complete token.

  • The default table sets a SymbolState for every character from 0 to 255, and then overrides this with:

From    To        State
 0     ' '   whitespaceState 
'a'    'z'      wordState
'A'    'Z'      wordState
160     255     wordState
'0'    '9'     numberState
'-'    '-'     numberState
'.'    '.'     numberState
'"'    '"'      quoteState
'\''   '\''     quoteState
'/'    '/'      slashState
  • In addition to allowing modification of the state table, this class makes each of the states above available. Some of these states are customizable. For example, wordState allows customization of what characters can be part of a word, after the first character.



A token state to process comments.

abstract commentState: ICommentState?


Decodes quoted strings.

abstract decodeStrings: bool


Merges whitespaces.

abstract mergeWhitespaces: bool


A token state to process numbers.

abstract numberState: INumberState?


Token state to process quoted strings.

abstract quoteState: IQuoteState?


Stream scanner to tokenize.

abstract scanner: IScanner?


Skips comments.

abstract skipComments: bool


Skips End-Of-File token at the end of stream.

abstract skipEof: bool


Skip unknown characters.

abstract skipUnknown: bool


Skips whitespaces.

abstract skipWhitespaces: bool


Token state to process symbols (single like “=” or muti-character like “<>")

abstract symbolState: ISymbolState?


Unifies numbers: “Integers” and “Floats” makes just “Numbers”.

abstract unifyNumbers: bool


Token state to process white space delimiters.

abstract whitespaceState: IWhitespaceState?


Token state to process words or indentifiers.

abstract wordState: IWordState?

Instance methods


Checks if there is a next token.

bool hasNextToken()

  • returns: bool - true if scanner has a next token.


Gets the next token from the scanner.

Token? nextToken()

  • returns: Token? - next token or null if there are no more tokens left.


Tokenizes a string buffer into a list of tokens structures.

List<Token> tokenizeBuffer(String buffer)

  • buffer: String - string buffer to be tokenized.
  • returns: List<Token> - list of token structures.


Tokenizes a string buffer into a list of strings.

List<String?> tokenizeBufferToStrings(String buffer)

  • buffer: String - string buffer to be tokenized.
  • returns: List<String?> - list of token strings.


Tokenizes a text stream into a list of token structures.

List<Token> tokenizeStream(IScanner scanner)

  • scanner: IScanner - text stream to be tokenized.
  • returns: List<Token> - list of token structures.


Tokenizes a text stream into a list of strings.

List<String?> tokenizeStreamToStrings(IScanner scanner)

  • scanner: IScanner - text stream to be tokenized.
  • returns: List<String?> - list of token strings.