
Defines a container for variant values.


The Variant class allows you to define a container for variant values.


Constructs this class and assignes a variant value.

Variant([dynamic value])

  • value: dynamic - value to be assigned to this variant.



static Empty = [Variant(null)])()



Gets a variant value as a variant array.

List<Variant> get asArray

  • returns: Variant - value as variant array.

Sets a variant value as variant array.

set asArray(List<Variant>? value)

  • value: List<Variant>? - value to be set.


Gets a variant value as boolean.

bool get asBoolean

  • returns: bool - value as boolean.

Sets a variant value as boolean.

set asBoolean(bool value)

  • value: bool - value to be set


Gets a variant value as DateTime.

DateTime get asDateTime

  • returns: DateTime - value as DateTime.

Sets a variant value as DateTime.

set asDateTime(DateTime value)

  • value: DateTime - value to be set


Gets a variant value as double.

double get asDouble

  • returns: double - value as double.

Sets a variant value as double.

set asDouble(double value)

  • value: double - value to be set.


Gets a variant value as float.

double get asFloat

  • returns: double - value as float.

Sets a variant value as float.

set asFloat(double value)

  • value: double - value to be set..


Gets a variant value as integer.

int get asInteger

  • returns: int - value as integer.

Sets a variant value as integer.

set asInteger(dynamic value)

  • value: int - value to be set.


Gets a variant value as long.

int get asLong

  • returns: int - value as long.

Sets a variant value as long

set asLong(int value)

  • value: int - value to be set.


Gets a variant value as object.

dynamic get asObject

  • returns: dynamic - value as object.

Sets a variant value as object

set asObject(dynamic value)

  • value: dynamic - value to be set.


Gets a variant value as string.

String get asString

  • returns: String - value as string.

Sets a variant value as string.

set asString(String value)

  • value: String - value to be set.


Gets a variant value as TimeSpan.

int get asTimeSpan

  • returns: int - value as TimeSpan.

Sets a variant value as TimeSpan.

set asTimeSpan(int value)

  • value: int - value as TimeSpan.


Gets the length of the array

int get length

  • returns: int - length of the array or 0.

Sets a new array length

set length(int value)

  • value: int - new array length


Gets a type of the variant value

VariantType get type

Instance methods


Assignes a new value to this object.

void assing(Variant? value)

  • value: Variant? - new value to be assigned.


Clears this object and assigns a VariantType.Null type.

void clear()


Clones the variant value

Variant clone()

  • value: Variant - cloned value of this variant


Compares this object to the specified one.

bool equals(dynamic obj)

  • obj: dynamic - object to be compared.
  • returns: bool - true if the objects are equal.


Gets an array element by its index.

Variant getByIndex(int index)

  • index: int - element’s index.
  • returns: Variant - requested array element.


Checks is this variant value is empty.

bool isEmpty()

  • returns: bool - true is this variant value is empty.


Checks is this variant value is Null.

bool isNull()

  • returns: bool - true if this variant value is Null.


Sets an array element by its index.

void setByIndex(int index, Variant element)

  • index: int - element index.
  • element: Variant - element value.


Returns a string value for this object.

String toString2()

  • returns: String - string value for this object.

Static methods


Creates a new variant from Array value.

static Variant fromArray(List<Variant> value)

  • value: List<Variant> - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a Boolean value.

static Variant fromBoolean(bool value)

  • value: bool - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a DateTime value.

static Variant fromDateTime(DateTime value)

  • value: DateTime - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a Double value.

static Variant fromDouble(double value)

  • value: double - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a Float value.

static Variant fromFloat(double value)

  • value: double - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from an Integer value.

static Variant fromInteger(int value)

  • value: int - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a Long value.

static Variant fromLong(int value)

  • value: int - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from an Object value.

static Variant fromObject(dynamic value)

  • value: dynamic - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a String value.

static Variant fromString(String value)

  • value: String - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.


Creates a new variant from a TimeSpan value.

static Variant fromTimeSpan(int value)

  • value: int - variant value.
  • returns: Variant - created variant object.