
Class used to create performace counters that measure and store those values in memory.

Implements: ICounters, IReconfigurable, ICounterTimingCallback


The CachedCounters class allows you to create performace counters that measure and store those values in memory.

Important points

  • Child classes can implement saving of the counters into various different destinations.

Configuration parameters


  • interval: interval in milliseconds to save current counters measurements (default: 5 mins)
  • reset_timeout: timeout in milliseconds to reset the counters. 0 disables the reset (default: 0)


Creates a new CachedCounters object.




Default time interval.

_interval: int = 300000


A dictionary containing the cached values.

final _cache = <String, Counter>{}


A boolean value that indicates whether the counter has been updated or not.

_updated: bool = false


Time of the last dump.

_lastDumpTime: DateTime


Last time when was reset timer

_lastResetTime: DateTime


Timeout to reset timer

_resetTimeout: int = 0

Instance methods


Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns CounterTiming object which has to be called at [CounterTiming.endTiming to end the measurement and update the counter.

CounterTiming beginTiming(String name)

  • name: String - counter name of Interval type.
  • returns: CounterTiming - callback object to end counter_timing.


Clears (resets) a counter specified by its name.

void clear(String name)

  • name: String - name of counter to clear.


Clears (resets) all counters.

void clearAll()


Configures component by passing configuration parameters.


void configure(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.


Dumps (saves) the current values of counters.

void dump()


Ends measurement of execution elapsed time and updates a specified counter.


void endTiming(String? name, int elapsed)

  • name: String? - counter’s name
  • elapsed: int - execution elapsed time in milliseconds to update the counter.


Gets a counter specified by its name. It counter does not exist or its type doesn’t match the specified type it creates a new one.

Counter get(String? name, CounterType type)

  • name: String - name of counter to retrieve.
  • type: CounterType - counter type.
  • returns: Counter - existing or newly created counter of the specified type.


Gets all captured counters.

List<Counter> getAll()

  • returns: List<Counter> - list with counters.


Gets the counters dump/save interval.

int getInterval()

  • returns: int - interval in milliseconds.


Increments a counter by given value.


void increment(String name, int value)

  • name: String - counter name of Increment type.
  • value: int - value to add to the counter.


Increments counter by 1.


void incrementOne(String name)

  • name: String - counter name of Increment type.


Records the last calculated measurement value. Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.


void last(String name, int value)

  • name: String - counter name of Last type.
  • value: int - last value to record.


Saves the current counters measurements.

void save(List<Counter> counters)

  • counters: List<Counter> - current counters measurements to be saved.


Sets the counters dump/save interval.


void setInterval(int value)

  • value: int - new interval in milliseconds.


Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.


void stats(String name, int value)

  • name: String - counter name of Statistics type
  • value: int - value to update statistics


Records the given timestamp.


void timestamp(String name, DateTime value)

  • name: String - counter name of Timestamp type.
  • value: DateTime - timestamp to record.


Records the current time as a timestamp.


void timestampNow(String name)

  • name: String - counter name of Timestamp type.


Makes counter measurements as updated and dumps them when timeout expires.

void _update()