
Cross-language implementation of a dynamic object that can hold a value of any type. It also provides methods to convert the stored value to different types.


The AnyValue class provides a cross-language implementation of a dynamic object that can hold a value of any type. In addition, it provides methods to convert the stored value to different types, such as string or integer.



Creates a new instance of the object and assigns its value.

NewAnyValue(value any) *AnyValue

  • value: any - (optional) value to initialize this object.


NewEmptyAnyValue() *AnyValue



The value stored by this object.

value: any



Creates a binary clone of this object.

(c *AnyValue) Clone() any

  • returns: any - clone of this object.


Compares this object value to a specified value. When direct comparison gives negative results it tries to compare values as strings.

(c *AnyValue) Equals(obj any) bool

  • obj: any - value to be compared with.
  • returns: bool - true when objects are equal and false otherwise.


Compares this object value to a specified value. When direct comparison gives negative results it converts values to type specified by type code and compares them again.
See TypeConverter.toType

(c *AnyValue) EqualsAsType(typ convert.TypeCode, obj any) bool

  • type: convert.TypeCode - value to be compared with.
  • obj: any - args to be compared with.
  • returns: bool - true when objects are equal and false otherwise.


Converts an object value into an AnyArray or returns an empty AnyArray if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueArray.NewAnyValueArrayFromValue

(c *AnyValue) GetAsArray() *AnyValueArray

  • returns: *AnyValueArray - AnyArray value or empty AnyArray if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a boolean or returns false if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsBoolean() bool

  • returns: bool - string value or false if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a boolean or returns the default value if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.ToBooleanWithDefault

(c *AnyValue) GetAsBooleanWithDefault(defaultValue bool) bool

  • defaultValue: bool - default value.
  • returns: bool - boolean value or default if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a Date or returns the current date if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsDateTime() time.Time

  • returns: time.Time - Date value or current date if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a Date or returns the default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.ToDateTimeWithDefault

(c *AnyValue) GetAsDateTimeWithDefault(defaultValue time.Time) time.Time

  • defaultValue: time.Time - default value.
  • returns: time.Time - Date value or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a double or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsDouble() float64

  • returns: float64 - double value or 0 if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a double or returns a default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.ToDoubleWithDefault

(c *AnyValue) GetAsDoubleWithDefault(defaultValue float64) float64

  • defaultValue: float64 - default value.
  • returns: float64 - double value or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a float or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsFloat() float32

  • returns: float32 - float value or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a float or returns a default value if the conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.ToFloatWithDefault

(c *AnyValue) GetAsFloatWithDefault(defaultValue float32) float32

  • defaultValue: float32 - default value.
  • returns: float32 - float value or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into an integer or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsInteger() int

  • returns: int - integer value or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into an integer or returns a default value if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.ToIntegerWithDefault

(c *AnyValue) GetAsIntegerWithDefault(defaultValue int) int

  • defaultValue: int - the default value.
  • returns: int - integer value or default if conversion is not supported.


GetAsNullableUInteger converts object value into an unsigned integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableUInteger() (uint, bool)

  • returns: (uint, bool) - integer value or default if conversion is not supported.


GetAsUInteger converts object value into an unsigned integer or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsUInteger()

  • returns: uint - unsigned integer value or 0 if conversion is not supported.


GetAsUIntegerWithDefault converts object value into a unsigned integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsUIntegerWithDefault(defaultValue uint) uint

  • defaultValue: uint - the default value
  • returns: uint - unsigned integer value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a long or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsLong() int64

  • returns: int64 - long value or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a long or returns a default value if the conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.ToLongWithDefault

(c *AnyValue) GetAsLongWithDefault(defaultValue int64) int64

  • defaultValue: int64 - the default value.
  • returns: int64 - long value or default if the conversion is not supported.


GetAsNullableULong converts object value into an unsigned long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableULong() (uint64, bool)

  • returns: (uint64, bool) - long value or default if conversion is not supported.


GetAsULongWithDefault converts object value into a unsiged long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsULongWithDefault(defaultValue uint64) uint64

  • defaultValue: uint64 - the default value
  • returns: uint64 - unsigned long value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into AnyMap or returns an empty AnyMap if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueMap.NewAnyValueMapFromValue

(c *AnyValue) GetAsMap() *AnyValueMap

  • returns: *AnyValueMap - AnyMap value or empty AnyMap if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a boolean or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.ToNullableBoolean

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableBoolean() (bool, bool)

  • returns: (bool, bool) - boolean value and true or false and false if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a Date or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.ToNullableDateTime

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableDateTime() (time.Time, bool)

  • returns: (time.Time, bool) - DateTime value and true or zero time and false if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a double or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.ToNullableDouble

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableDouble() (float64, bool)

  • returns: (float64, bool) - double value and true or 0.0 and false if conversion is not supported.


GetAsNullableDuration converts object value into a Duration or returns null if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableDuration() (time.Duration, bool)

  • returns: (time.Duration, bool) - Duration value and true or 0 and false if conversion is not supported.


GetAsDuration converts object value into a Duration or returns current date if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsDuration() time.Duration

  • returns: time.Duration - Duration value or current date if conversion is not supported.


GetAsDurationWithDefault converts object value into a Duration or returns default value if conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsDurationWithDefault(defaultValue time.Duration) time.Duration

  • defaultValue: time.Duration - the default value
  • returns: time.Duration - Duration value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a float or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.ToNullableFloat

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableFloat() (float32, bool)

  • returns: (float32, bool) - float value and true or 0.0 and false if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into an integer or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.ToNullableInteger

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableInteger() (int, bool)

  • returns: (int, bool) - integer value and true or 0 and false if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a long or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.ToNullableLong

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableLong() (int64, bool)

  • returns: (int64, bool) - long value and true or 0 and false if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a string or returns nil if the conversion is not possible.
See StringConverter.ToNullableString

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableString() (string, bool)

  • returns: (string, bool) - string and true value or "" and false if conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a value defined by a specified typecode. If the conversion is not possible it returns nil.
See TypeConverter.ToNullableType

(c *AnyValue) GetAsNullableType(typ convert.TypeCode) (any, bool)

  • type: convert.TypeCode - TypeCode that defined the type of the result
  • returns: (any, bool) - value defined by the typecode and true or null and false if conversion is not supported.


Gets the value stored in this object without any conversions.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsObject() any

  • returns: any - object value.


Converts an object value into a string or returns "" if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsString() string

  • returns: string - string value or "" if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a string or returns a default value if the conversion is not possible.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsStringWithDefault(defaultValue string) string

  • defaultValue: string - default value.
  • returns: string - string value or default if the conversion is not supported.


Converts an object value into a value defined by a specified typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value for the specified type.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsType(typ convert.TypeCode) any

  • typeCode: convert.TypeCode - TypeCode that defined the type of the result
  • returns: any - value defined by the typecode or type default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns a default value.

(c *AnyValue) GetAsTypeWithDefault(typ convert.TypeCode, defaultValue any) any

  • typeCode: convert.TypeCode - TypeCode that defined the type of the result
  • defaultValue: any - default value
  • returns: any - value defined by the typecode or type default value if conversion is not supported.


Gets type code for the value stored in this object.
See TypeConverter.toTypeCode

(c *AnyValue) TypeCode() convert.TypeCod


Sets a new value for this object

(c *AnyValue) SetAsObject(value any)

  • value: any - new object value.


Gets a string representation of the object.
See StringConverter.String

(c *AnyValue) String() string

  • returns: string - string representation of the object.


value := data.NewAnyValue("123.456")

value.GetAsInteger() // Result: 123
value.GetAsString()  // Result: "123.456"
value.GetAsFloat()   // Result: 123.456

See also