
The TypeDescriptor class stores a reference to a type represented by the type name and library (module) where the type is defined.


The TypeDescriptor class stores a reference to a type represented by the type name and library (module) where the type is defined.

Important points

  • This class has symmetric implementation across all languages supported by the Pip.Services toolkit and it is used to support dynamic data processing.



Creates a new instance of the type descriptor and sets its values.

NewTypeDescriptor(name string, pkg string) *TypeDescriptor

  • name: string - name of the object type.
  • pkg: string - library or module where this object type is implemented.



Compares this descriptor to a value. If the value is also a TypeDescriptor it compares their name and library fields. Otherwise this method returns false.

(c *TypeDescriptor) Equals(obj any) bool

  • obj: any - value to compare.
  • returns: bool - true if value is identical TypeDescriptor and false otherwise.


Gets the name of the library or module where the object type is defined.

(c *TypeDescriptor) Package() string

  • returns: string - name of the library or module.


Get the name of the object type.

(c *TypeDescriptor) Name() string

  • returns: string - name of the object type.


Parses a string to get descriptor fields and returns them as a Descriptor. The string must have format name[,library]
Throws a ConfigError if the descriptor string is of a wrong format.

ParseTypeDescriptorFromString(value string) (*TypeDescriptor, error)

  • value: string - a string to parse.
  • returns: (*TypeDescriptor, error) - a newly created Descriptor.


Gets a string representation of the object. The result has format name[,package]

(c *TypeDescriptor) String() string

  • returns: string - string representation of the object.