
Data object that contains supported capabilities of a message queue.


The MessagingCapabilities class allows you to create data objects that contain supported capabilities of message queues.

Important points

  • If certain capability is not supported a queue will throw a NotImplemented exception.



Creates a new instance of the capabilities object.

NewMessagingCapabilities(canMessageCount bool, canSend bool, canReceive bool, canPeek bool, canPeekBatch bool, canRenewLock bool, canAbandon bool, canDeadLetter bool, canClear bool) *MessagingCapabilities

  • canMessageCount: bool - True if the queue supports reading message count.
  • canSend: bool - True if the queue is able to send messages.
  • canReceive: bool - True if the queue is able to receive messages.
  • canPeek: bool - True if the queue is able to peek messages.
  • canPeekBatch: bool - True if the queue is able to peek multiple messages in one batch.
  • canRenewLock: bool - True if the queue is able to renew message lock.
  • canAbandon: bool - True if the queue is able to abandon messages.
  • canDeadLetter: bool - True if the queue is able to send messages to dead letter queue.
  • canClear: bool - True if the queue can be cleared.



Informs if the queue is able to abandon messages.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanAbandon() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to abandon messages.


Informs if the queue can be cleared.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanClear() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue can be cleared.


Informs if the queue is able to send messages to dead letter queue.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanDeadLetter() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to send messages to dead letter queue.


Informs if the queue is able to read the number of messages.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanMessageCount() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue supports reading message count.


Informs if the queue is able to peek messages.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanPeek() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to peek messages.


Informs if the queue is able to peek multiple messages in one batch.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanPeekBatch() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to peek multiple messages in one batch.


Informs if the queue is able to receive messages.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanReceive() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to receive messages.


Informs if the queue is able to renew message lock.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanRenewLock() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to renew message lock.


Informs if the queue is able to send messages.

(c *MessagingCapabilities) CanSend() bool

  • returns: bool - True if the queue is able to send messages.