Counter type enumeration containing the types of counters that measure different types of metrics.
The CounterType class enumerates the types of counters that measure different types of metrics.
Enumeration members
- Interval = 0 - Counters that measure execution time intervals
- LastValue = 1 - Counters that keeps the latest measured value
- Statistics = 2 - Counters that measure min/average/max statistics
- Timestamp = 3 - Counter that record timestamps
- Increment = 4 - Counter that increment counters
Converts counter to string.
(c CounterType) ToString() string
- returns: string - converted string counter.
Unmarshall json bytes into CounterType.
(c *CounterType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
- data: []byte - json data bytes.
- err: error - error unmarshall.
Marshal CounterType to json.
(c *CounterType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- data: ([]byte, error) - json data bytes and error marshall.