
The FloatConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values into float using extended conversion rules.


The FloatConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values into float using the following extended conversion rules:

  • Strings are converted to float values
  • DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoch
  • Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false

Static methods


Converts a value into a float or returns 0 when the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.toDouble

public static float toFloat(Object value)

  • value: Object - value to convert.
  • returns: float - float value or 0 when the conversion is not supported.


Converts a value into a float or returns a given default when the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.toDoubleWithDefault,

public static float toFloatWithDefault(Object value, float defaultValue)

  • value: Object - value to convert.
  • defaultValue: float - default value.
  • returns: float - float value or default value when the conversion is not supported.


Converts a value into a float or returns null when the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.toNullableDouble

public static Float toNullableFloat(Object value)

  • value: Object - value to convert.
  • returns: Float - float value or null when the conversion is not supported.


  float value1 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat("ABC"); // Result: null
  float value2 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat("123.456"); // Result: 123.456
  float value3 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat(true); // Result: 1
  float value4 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat(new Date()); // Result: current milliseconds