
Basic implementation of an execution context.

Implements: IContext


TODO: add description


Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.

public Context(Map values)

  • values: Map - (optional) object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this config map.

Instance Methods


Adds parameters into this ConfigParams under a specified section. Keys for the new parameters are appended with section dot prefix.

public Object get(String key)

  • key: String - a key of the element to get.
  • returns: Object - the value of the map element.

Static methods


Creates new Context from ConfigMap object.

public static Context fromConfig(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - a ConfigParams that contain parameters.
  • returns: Context - a new Context object.


Creates new Context from ConfigMap object.

public static Context fromTraceId(String traceId)

  • traceId: String - a transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
  • returns: Context - a new Context object.


Creates a new Context object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, … pairs.

See StringValueMap.fromTuplesArray

public static Context fromTuples(Object[] tuples)

  • tuples: Object[] - tuples to fill a new ConfigParams object.
  • returns: Context - new Context object.


Creates a new Parameters object filled with key-value pairs from specified object.

public static Context fromValue(Map value)

  • value: Map - object with key-value pairs used to initialize a new ConfigParams.
  • returns: Context - new Context object.

See also