
Random generator for Date time values.


The RandomDateTime class allows you to generate random dates.

Important points:

  • Month must be in 1..12 format.

Static methods


Generates a random Date in the range [‘minYear’, ‘maxYear’]. This method generates dates without time (or time set to 00:00:00)

public static ZonedDateTime nextDate(int minYear, int maxYear)

  • minYear: int - (optional) minimum range value.
  • maxYear: int - max range value.
  • returns: ZonedDateTime - random Date value.


Generates a random Date and time in the range [‘minYear’, ‘maxYear’]. This method generates dates without time (or time set to 00:00:00)

public static ZonedDateTime nextDateTime(int minYear, int maxYear)

  • minYear: int- (optional) minimum range value
  • maxYear: int - max range value
  • returns: ZonedDateTime - random Date and time value.


Updates (drifts) a Date value within specified range.

public static ZonedDateTime updateDateTime(ZonedDateTime value)

  • value: ZonedDateTime - Date value to drift.
  • returns: ZonedDateTime - updated DateTime


  ZonedDateTime value1 = RandomDateTime.nextDate(2010, 0);    // Possible result: 2008-01-03
  ZonedDateTime value2 = RandomDateTime.nextDateTime(2017, 0);// Possible result: 20017-03-11 11:20:32