
Random generator for string values.


The class RandomString allows you to generate random strings.

Static methods


Distorts a string by randomly replacing characters in it.

public static String distort(String value)

  • value: String - string to distort.
  • returns: String - distorted string.


Generates a random alpha characted [A-Za-z]

public static char nextAlphaChar()

  • returns: char - random characted.


Generates a random string, consisting of upper and lower case letters (of the English alphabet), digits (0-9), and symbols ("_,.:-/.[].{},#-!,$=%.+^.&*-() “).

public static String nextString(int min, int max)

  • minLength: int - (optional) minimum string length.
  • maxLength: int - maximum string length.
  • returns: String - random string.


Picks a random string from an array of strings.

public static String pick(String[] values)

  • values: String[] - Picks a random character from an array of strings.
  • returns: String - randomly picked char.


Picks a random character from a string.

public static char pickChar(String values)

  • values: String - string to pick a char from.
  • returns: String - randomly picked char.


  char value1 = RandomString.pickChar("ABC");     // Possible result: "C"
  String value2 = RandomString.pick(new String {"A","B","C"}); // Possible result: "B"