
The ArrayConverter class provides methods to create an array from a set of values.


The ArrayConverter class provides methods to create an array from a set of values. These values can be in the form of a list, a single value or a string of comma-delimited values.

Static methods


Converts a list into an array object with an empty array as the default. Strings with comma-delimited values are split into array of strings. See ToArray.

public static IList<object> ListToArray(object value)

  • value: object - list to convert.
  • returns: IList<object>- array object or empty array when value is null


Converts value into an array object with an empty array as the default. Single values are converted into arrays with a single element.

public static IList<object> ToArray(object value)

  • value: object - value to convert.
  • returns: IList<object> - array object or empty array when value is null.


Converts value into an array object with a specified default. Single values are converted into arrays with a single element.

public static IList<object> ToArrayWithDefault(object value, IList<object> defaultValue)

  • value: object - value to convert.
  • defaultValue: IList<object> - default array object.
  • returns: IList<object> - array object or default array when value is null.


Converts value into an array object. Single values are converted into arrays with a single element.

public static IList<object> ToNullableArray(object value)

  • value: object - value to convert.
  • returns: IList<object> - array object or null when value is null.


// Array
var value1 = ArrayConverter.ToArray(new int[]{1, 2}) ;      // Result: [1, 2]

// Single value
var value2 = ArrayConverter.ToArray(1);            // Result: [1]