
Converts objects to Enums.


The EnumConverter allows you to convert objects to Enums

Static methods


Converts an object to an Enum.

public static T ToEnum<T>(object value)

  • value: object - object to be converted
  • returns: T - returned Enum


Converts an object to an Enum or returns a given default value when the conversion is not possible. .

public static T ToEnumWithDefault<T>(object value, T defaultValue)

  • value: object - object to be converted
  • defaultValue: T - default value
  • returns: T - returned Enum or given default whe the conversion is not possible.


Converts an object to an Enum or returns null when the conversion is not possible..

public static T ToNullableEnum<T>(object value)

  • value: object - value to be converted
  • returns: T - returned Enum or null when the conversion is not possible