
Cross-language implementation of a map (dictionary) where all keys and values are strings.


The StringValueMap class allows you to create a cross-language implementation of a map (dictionary) where all keys and values are strings.

Important points

  • The class provides several methods to convert the stored values to different types, such as array, bool or datetime.
  • This class is widely used in Pip.Services as a basis for a variety of classes, such as ConfigParams, ConnectionParams, CredentialParams (in the Pip.Services components package) and others.


Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.

public StringValueMap(IDictionary<string, string> map)

  • map: IDictionary<string, string> - (optional) values to initialize this map.

Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.

public StringValueMap(object map)

  • map: object - (optional) values to initialize this map.

Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.

public StringValueMap()

Instance methods


Appends new elements to this map.

public void Append(IDictionary<\string, object> map)

  • map: IDictionary<\string, object> - map with elements to be added.


Appends new elements to this map.

public void Append(IDictionary<\string, string> map)

  • map: IDictionary<\string, string> - map with elements to be added.


Creates a binary clone of this object.

public object Clone()

  • returns: object - clone of this object.


Gets a map element specified by its key.

public virtual string Get(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: string - value of the map element.


Converts a map element into an AnyValueArray or returns an empty AnyValueArray if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueArray, AnyValueArray.fromValue

public AnyValueArray GetAsArray(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueArray - AnyValueArray value of the element or an empty AnyValueArray if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an AnyValueArray or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueArray

public AnyValueArray GetAsArrayWithDefault(string key, AnyValueArray defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: AnyValueArray - default value
  • returns: AnyValueArray - AnyValueArray value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a bool or returns false if the conversion is not possible.

public bool GetAsBoolean(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: bool - bool value of the element or false if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a bool or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.ToBooleanWithDefault

public bool GetAsBooleanWithDefault(string key, bool defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: bool - default value
  • returns: bool - bool value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a DateTime or returns the current date if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.toBooleanWithDefault

public DateTime GetAsDateTime(string key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: DateTime - DateTime value of the element or the current date if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a DateTime or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.ToDateTimeWithDefault

public DateTime GetAsDateTimeWithDefault(string key, DateTime defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: DateTime - default value
  • returns: DateTime - DateTime value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a TimeSpan or returns null if the conversion is not possible.

public TimeSpan GetAsNullableTimeSpan(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get
  • returns: TimeSpan - TimeSpan of the element or null if the conversion is not possible.


Converts a map element into a TimeSpan.

public TimeSpan GetAsTimeSpan(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get
  • returns: TimeSpan - TimeSpan of the element


Converts a map element into a TimeSpan or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.

public TimeSpan GetAsTimeSpanWithDefault(string key, TimeSpan? defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of the element to get
  • defaultValue: TimeSpan - default value
  • returns: TimeSpan - Timespan of the element or given default value if the conversion is not possible.


Converts a map element into an Enum or returns null if the conversion is not possible.

public T GetAsNullableEnum<T>(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get
  • returns: T - Enum of the element or null if the conversion is not possible


Converts a map element into an Enum.

public T GetAsEnum<T>(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get
  • returns: T - Enum of the element.


Converts a map element into an Enum or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.

public T GetAsEnumWithDefault<T>(string key, T defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of the element to get
  • defaultValue: T - default value
  • returns: T - Enum or given default value if the conversion is not possible.


Converts a map element into a double or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

public double GetAsDouble(string key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: double - double value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a double or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.ToDoubleWithDefault

public double GetAsDoubleWithDefault(string key, double defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: double - default value
  • returns: double - double value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a float or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

public float GetAsFloat(string key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: float - float value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a float or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.ToFloatWithDefault

public float GetAsFloatWithDefault(string key, float defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: float - default value
  • returns: float - float value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an integer or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

public int GetAsInteger(string key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: int - integer value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an integer or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.ToIntegerWithDefault

public int GetAsIntegerWithDefault(string key, int defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: int - default value
  • returns: int - integer value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a long or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

public long GetAsLong(long key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: long - long value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a long or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.ToLongWithDefault

public long GetAsLongWithDefault(string key, long defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: long - default value
  • returns: long - long value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an AnyValueMap or returns an empty AnyValueMap if the conversion is not possible.

public AnyValueMap GetAsMap(string key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - long value of the element or an empty AnyValueMap if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an AnyValueMap or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.

public AnyValueMap GetAsMapWithDefault(string key, AnyValueMap defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: AnyValueMap - default value
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueMap value of the element or give default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an AnyValueArray or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueMap, AnyValueMap.FromValue

public AnyValueMap GetAsNullableArray(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueMap value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a bool or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.ToNullableBoolean

public bool GetAsNullableBoolean(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: bool - bool value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a DateTime or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.ToNullableDateTime

public DateTime GetAsNullableDateTime(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: DateTime - DateTime value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts map element into a double or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.ToNullableDouble

public double GetAsNullableDouble(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: double - double value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a float or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.ToNullableFloat

public float GetAsNullableFloat(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: float - float value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an integer or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.ToNullableInteger

public int GetAsNullableInteger(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: int - integer value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a long or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.ToNullableLong

public long GetAsNullableLong(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: long - long value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an AnyValueMap or returns null if the conversion is not possible.

public AnyValueMap GetAsNullableMap(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueMap value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a string or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See StringConverter.ToNullableString

public string GetAsNullableString(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: string - string value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a value defined by a specified typecode. If conversion is not possible, it returns null. T - the class type.
See TypeConverter.ToNullableType

public T GetAsNullableType<T>(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: T - element value defined by the typecode or null if the conversion is not supported.


Gets the value stored in a map element without any conversions. When element key is not defined, it returns the entire map.

public object GetAsObject(string key)

  • key: string - (optional) key of the element to get
  • returns: object - element value or entire map when the key is not defined.


Gets the value stored in this map element without any conversions

public object GetAsObject()

  • returns: object - element value or value of the map when key is not defined.


Converts a map element into a string or returns "" if the conversion is not possible.

public string GetAsString(string key)

  • key: string - (optional) key of the element to get
  • returns: string - string value of the element or "" if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a string or returns "" if the conversion is not possible.

public string GetAsStringWithDefault(string key, string defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: string - default value
  • returns: string - string value of the element or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a value defined by a specified typecode. If conversion is not possible, it returns the default value for the specified type. T - class type.

public string GetAsType<T>(string key)

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: T - element value defined by the typecode or default if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a value defined by a specified typecode. If conversion is not possible, it returns the default value for the specified type.
T - class type.
See TypeConverter.ToTypeWithDefault

public T GetAsTypeWithDefault<T>(string key, T defaultValue)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: T - default value
  • returns: T - element value defined by the typecode or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into an AnyValue or returns an empty AnyValue if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValue, AnyValue.constructors

public AnyValue GetAsValue(string key)

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValue - AnyValue value of the element or empty AnyValue if the conversion is not supported.


Sets a new value into a map element specified by its key.

public virtual void Set(string key, string value)

  • key: string - key of the element to put.
  • value: string - new value for the map element.


Sets a new value to a map element specified by its index. When the index is not defined, it resets the entire map value. See MapConverter.ToMap

public void SetAsObject(string key, object value)

  • key: string - (optional) key of the element to set
  • value: object - new element or map value.


Sets a new value for this array element

public void SetAsObject(object value)

  • value: object - new element or map value.


Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a semicolon-separated list of key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;key=value3”

public override string ToString()

  • returns: string - string representation of the object.

Static methods


Creates a new AnyValueMap by merging two or more maps. Maps defined later in the list override values from previously defined maps.

public static StringValueMap FromMaps(params IDictionary<string, string>[] maps)

  • maps: IDictionary<string, string>[] - array of maps to be merged
  • returns: StringValueMap - newly created StringValueMap.


Parses semicolon-separated key-value pairs and returns them as a StringValueMap.

public static StringValueMap FromString(string line)

  • line: string - semicolon-separated key-value list to initialize StringValueMap.
  • returns: StringValueMap - newly created StringValueMap.


Creates a new StringValueMap from a list of key-value pairs called tuples.

public static StringValueMap FromTuples(object[] tuples)

  • tuples: object[] - list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values
  • returns: StringValueMap - newly created StringValueMap.


Creates a new StringValueMap from a list of key-value pairs called tuples. The method is similar to FromTuples but tuples are passed as an array instead of as parameters.

public static StringValueMap FromTuplesArray(params object[] tuples)

  • tuples: object[] - list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values
  • returns: StringValueMap - newly created StringValueMap.


Converts a specified value into StringValueMap.

public static StringValueMap FromValue(object value)

  • value: object - value to be converted
  • returns: StringValueMap - newly created StringValueMap.


var value1 = StringValueMap.FromString("key1=1;key2=123.456;key3=2018-01-01");

value1.GetAsBoolean("key1");   // Result: true
value1.GetAsInteger("key2");   // Result: 123
value1.GetAsFloat("key2");     // Result: 123.456
value1.GetAsDateTime("key3");  // Result: new DateTime(2018,0,1)

See also