
Factory used to create a serializeable ErrorDescription from ApplicationException or from arbitrary errors.


The ErrorDescriptionFactory class provides a factory to create a serializeable ErrorDescription from ApplicationException or from arbitrary errors.

Important points

  • Error descriptions are used to pass errors through the wire between microservices implemented in different languages. They allow to restore exceptions on the receiving side close to the original type and preserve additional information.

Static methods


Creates a serializable ErrorDescription from an error object.

public static ErrorDescription Create(ApplicationException error)


Creates a serializable ErrorDescription from a throwable object with an unknown error category.

public static ErrorDescription Create(Exception ex, Context context = null)

  • ex: Exception - error object
  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • returns: ErrorDescription - serializeable ErrorDescription object that describes the error.

See also