
Interface to manage references stored in a map.


The IReferences interface can be used to manage references stored in a map, and which can be passed to other components to establish dependencies between them.

Generally speaking, an IReferences object is a simple map, where keys are locators and values are component references. Thus, it allows you to add, remove and find components by their locators. Locators can be any values like integers, strings or component types.

Important points

  • Together with the IReferenceable and IUnreferenceable interfaces, it implements a Locator pattern that is used by the PipServices toolkit for Inversion of Control to assign external dependencies to components.
  • Generally, the PipServices toolkit uses Descriptor as locators that match according to the following fields: group, type, kind, name and version.

Instance methods


Gets all component references that match a specified locator. Throws a ReferenceException when required is set to true but no references were found.

List<object> Find(object locator, bool required)

  • locator: object - locator to find a reference by.
  • required: bool - forces to raise an exception if no reference is found.
  • returns: List<object> - list with matching component references.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator and matching to the specified type. Throws a ReferenceException when required is set to true but no references were found. T - the class type.

List<T> Find<T>(object locator, bool required)

  • locator: object - locator used to find a reference by.
  • required: bool - forces to raise an exception if no reference is found.
  • returns: List<T> - list with matching component references.


Gets all component references registered in this reference map.

List<object> GetAll()

  • returns: List<object> - list with component references.


Gets locators for all registered component references in this reference map.

List<object> GetAllLocators()

  • returns: List<object> - list with component locators.


Gets an optional component reference that matches a specified locator.

object GetOneOptional(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find references by.
  • returns: object - matching component reference or null if nothing was found.


Gets an optional component reference that matches a specified locator and matching to the specified type.

T GetOneOptional<T>(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find references by.
  • returns: T - matching component reference or null if nothing was found.


Gets a required component reference that matches a specified locator.
Throws a ReferenceException when no references were found.

object GetOneRequired(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator to find a reference by.
  • returns: object - matching component reference.


Gets a required component reference that matches a specified locator and matching to the specified type. Throws a ReferenceException when no references were found. T - class type

T GetOneRequired<T>(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find a reference by.
  • returns: T - matching component reference.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator.

List<object> GetOptional(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find references by.
  • returns: List<object> - list with matching component references or empty list if nothing was found.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator and matching to the specified type. T - class type

List<T> GetOptional<T>(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find references by.
  • returns: List<T> - list with matching component references or empty list if nothing was found.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator. At least one component reference must be present. If it doesn’t, the method throws an error. Throws a ReferenceException when no references were found.

List<object> GetRequired(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find references by.
  • returns: List<object>- list with matching component references.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator. At least one component reference must be present and matching to the specified type. Throws a ReferenceException when no references were found. T - class type

List<T> GetRequired<T>(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to find references by.
  • returns: List<T> - list with matching component references.


Puts a new reference into this reference map.

void Put(object locator, object component)

  • locator: object - locator used to find the reference by.
  • component: object - component reference to be added.


Removes a previously added reference that matches a specified locator. If many references match the locator, it removes only the first one. When all references shall be removed, use removeAll method instead.

object Remove(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to remove a reference
  • returns: object - removed component reference.


Removes all component references that match the specified locator.

List<object> RemoveAll(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator used to remove references by.
  • returns: List<object> - list containing all the removed references.


public class MyController: IReferenceable 
    public IMyPersistence _persistence;
    public void SetReferences(IReferences references)
        this._persistence = references.getOneRequired<IMyPersistence>(
        new Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "*", "*", "1.0")
var persistence = new MyMongoDbPersistence();
var controller = new MyController();
var references = References.FromTuples(
new Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "mongodb", "default", "1.0"), persistence,
new Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), controller );

See also