
Helper class that allows you to set and unset references to components.


The Referencer class allows you to set and unset references to components.

Static methods


Sets references to multiple components.

To set references, components must implement the IReferenceable interface. If they don’t, the call to this method has no effect.

public static void SetReferences(IReferenceable references, IEnumerable components = null)

  • references: IReferences - references to be set.
  • component: IEnumerable - list of components to set the references to.


Sets references to a specific component.

To set references, components must implement the IReferenceable interface. If they don’t, the call to this method has no effect.

public static void SetReferencesForOne(IReferences references, object component)

  • references: IReferences - references to be set.
  • component: object - component to set references to.


Unsets references in multiple components. To unset references, components must implement the IUnreferenceable interface. If they don’t, the call to this method has no effect.

public static void UnsetReferences(IEnumerable components)

  • components: IEnumerable - list of components whose references must be cleared.


Unsets references in multiple components. To unset references, components must implement the IUnreferenceable interface. If they don’t, the call to this method has no effect.

public static void UnsetReferences(IReferences components)

  • components: IReferences - list of components whose references must be cleared.


Unsets references in a specific component.

To unset references, components must implement the IUnreferenceable interface. If they don’t, the call to this method has no effect.

public static void UnsetReferencesForOne(object component)

  • component: object - component to unset references.

See also