
Contains credentials to authenticate against external services.

Implemets: ConfigParams


The CredentialParams class allows you to create credential parameters that can be used to authenticate against external services.

Important points

  • Credential parameters are used together with connection parameters, but usually stored in a separate store, protected from unauthorized access.

Configuration parameters

  • store_key: key to retrieve parameters from credential store
  • username: user name
  • user: alternative to username
  • password: user’s password
  • pass: alternative to password
  • access_id: application access id
  • client_id: alternative to access_id
  • access_key: application secret key
  • client_key: alternative to access_key
  • secret_key: alternative to access_key

In addition to standard parameters CredentialParams may contain any number of custom parameters.


Creates a new credential parameters and fills it with values.

public CredentialParams(IDictionary<string, string> values)

  • values: IDictionary<string, string> - (optional) object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize these credentials.

Creates an empty instance of credential parameters.

public CredentialParams()



Checks if these credential parameters shall be retrieved from ICredentialStore. The credential parameters are redirected to ICredentialStore when store_key parameter is set.

public bool UseCredentialStore { get; }


Gets and sets the key to retrieve these credentials from ICredentialStore. If this key is null, then all parameters are already present.

public string StoreKey { get; set; }


Gets and sets the username. The value can be stored in the parameters “username” or “user”.

public string Username { get; set; }


Gets and sets the user’s password. The value can be stored in parameters “password” or “pass”.

public string Password { get; set; }


Gets and sets the application access id. The value can be stored in parameters “access_id” pr “client_id”

public string AccessId { get; set; }


Gets and sets the application secret key. The value can be stored in parameters “access_key”, “client_key” or “secret_key”.

public string AccessKey { get; set; }

Static methods


Retrieves a single CredentialParams from configuration parameters from “credential” section. If “credentials” section is present instead, then it returns only the first credential element.

public static CredentialParams FromConfig(ConfigParams config)


Creates a new CredentialParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.

public new static CredentialParams FromString(string line)

  • line: string - string with serialized key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;…" Example: “Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z”
  • returns: CredentialParams - new CredentialParams object.


Retrieves all CredentialParams from configuration parameters from the “credentials” section. If the “credential” section is present instead, then it returns a list with only one CredentialParams.

public static List<CredentialParams> ManyFromConfig(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to retrieve credentials
  • returns: List<CredentialParams> - list of retrieved CredentialParams


var credential = CredentialParams.FromTuples(
    "user", "jdoe",
    "pass", "pass123",
    "pin", "321" 

var username = credential.GetUsername();             // Result: "jdoe"
var password = credential.GetPassword();             // Result: "pass123"
var pin = credential.GetAsNullableString("pin");     // Result: 321  

See also