
This class is a special case of SymbolNode. A SymbolRootNode object has no symbol of its own, but has children that represent all possible symbols.

Inherits: SymbolNode


The SymbolRootNode class is a special case of SymbolNode. A SymbolRootNode object has no symbol of its own, but has children that represent all possible symbols.


Creates and initializes a root node.

public SymbolRootNode()

Instance methods


Adds the given string as a symbol.

public void Add(string value, TokenType tokenType)

  • value: string - character sequence to add.
  • tokenType: TokenType - token type


Returns a symbol string from a scanner.

public Token NextToken(IScanner scanner, ITokenizer tokenizer)

  • scanner: IScanner - scanner to read from
  • returns: Token - symbol string from a scanner