
Implements an abstract variant operations manager object.

Inherits: IVariantOperations


The AbstractVariantOperations class allows you to implement abstract variant operations manager objects.

Instance methods


Performs the ‘+’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Add(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the AND operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant And(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘/’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Div(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘=’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Equal(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the [] operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant GetElement(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the IN operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant In(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘<’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Less(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘<=’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant LessEqual(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the LIKE operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Like(Variant value1, Variant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘«’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Lsh(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘%’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Mod(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘>’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant More(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘>=’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant MoreEqual(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘*’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Mul(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the unary ‘-’ operation for a variant.

public virtual Variant Negative(Variant value)

  • value: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the NOT operation for a variant.

public virtual Variant Not(Variant value)

  • value: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘<>’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant NotEqual(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the OR operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Or(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘^’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Pow(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘»’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Rsh(Variant value1, VarianVariant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Performs the ‘-’ operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Sub(Variant value1, Variant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.


Converts variant type to string representation.

protected string TypeToString(VariantType value)

  • value: VariantType - variant type to be converted.
  • returns: string - string representation of the type.


Performs the XOR operation for two variants.

public virtual Variant Xor(Variant value1, Variant value2)

  • value1: Variant - first operand for this operation.
  • value2: Variant - second operand for this operation.
  • returns: Variant - result variant object.

Abstract methods


Converts a variant to a specified type.

public abstract Variant Convert(Variant value, VariantType newType);

  • value: Variant - variant value to be converted.
  • newType: VariantType - type of object to be returned.
  • returns: Variant - converted Variant value.