
Interface for performance counters that measure execution metrics.


The ICounters interface defines the methods for performance counters that measure execution metrics.

Important points

  • The performance counters measure how code is performing; that is, how fast or slow is, how many transactions were performed, how many objects were stored, what was the latest transaction time and so on.
  • They are critical to monitor and improve performance, scalability and reliability of code in production.

Instance methods


Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns a CounterTiming object which has to be called at CounterTiming.EndTiming to end the measurement and update the counter.

CounterTiming BeginTiming(string name)

  • name: string - counter name of Interval type.
  • returns: CounterTiming - callback object to end timing.


Increments counter by a given value.

void Increment(string name, int value)

  • name: string - counter name of Increment type.
  • value: int - value to add to the counter.


Increments a counter by 1.

void IncrementOne(string name)

  • name: string - counter’s name of Increment type.


Records the last calculated measurement value. Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.

void last(string name, float value)

  • name: string - counter’s name of Last type.
  • value: float - last value to record.


Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.

void Stats(string name, float value)

  • name: string - counter’s name of Statistics type
  • value: float - value to update statistics


Records the given timestamp.

void Timestamp(string name, DateTime value)

  • name: string - counter’s name of Timestamp type.
  • value: DateTime - timestamp to record.


Records the current time as a timestamp.

void TimestampNow(string name)

  • name: string - counter’s name of Timestamp type.