
Command allows you to call a method or a function.

Inherits: ICommand


The Command class allows you to call a method or a function.


Creates a new command object and assigns it’s parameters.

public Command(string name, Schema schema, ExecutableDelegate function)

  • name: string - command name.
  • schema: Schema - schema to validate command arguments.
  • action: ExecutableDelegate - function to be executed by this command.

Delegate Constructors

nitializes a delegate that invokes the specified instance method.

ExecutableDelegate(IContext context, Parameters args)

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • args: Parameters - parameters



Gets the command name.

public string Name { get; }


Gets the command schema.

public Schema Schema { get; }

Instance methods


Executes the command. Before execution it validates args using the defined schema.

Raise ApplicationException when execution fails for whatever reason.
See Parameters

public Task<object> ExecuteAsync(IContext context, Parameters args)

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • args: Parameters - parameters (arguments) used to pass to this command for execution.
  • returns: Task<object> - execution result


Validates the command args before execution using the defined schema.

public IList<ValidationResult> validate(Parameters args)

  • args: Parameters - parameters (arguments) used to validate using this command’s schema.
  • returns: IList<ValidationResult> - array of ValidationResults or an empty array (if no schema is set).


var command = new Command("add", null, async(args) => {
var param1 = args.GetAsFloat("param1");
var param2 = args.GetAsFloat("param2");
return param1 + param2; });
var result = command.ExecuteAsync("123", Parameters.FromTuples(
"param1", 2,
"param2", 2 ));
// Console output: 4

See also