
Abstract AWS Lambda function that acts as a container to instantiate and run components and expose them via an external entry point.

Extends: LambdaFunction


The CommandableLambdaFunction class allows you to create AWS Lambda function that acts as a container to instantiate and run components and expose them via an external entry point.

Important points

  • All actions are automatically generated for commands defined in ICommandable components. Each command is exposed as an action defined by the “cmd” parameter.

  • Container configuration for this Lambda function is stored in "./config/config.yml" file. But this path can be overriden by CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

  • Note: This component has been deprecated. Use LambdaController instead.


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0: (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages.
  • *:counters:*:*:1.0: (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements.
  • *:service:lambda:*:1.0: (optional) ILambdaController services to handle action requests
  • *:service:commandable-lambda:*:1.0: (optional) ILambdaController services to handle action requests


Creates a new instance of this lambda function.

public constructor(name: string, description?: string)

  • name: string - (optional) container name (accessible via ContextInfo).
  • description: string - (optional) container description (accessible via ContextInfo).

Instance methods


Registers all actions in this lambda function.

public register(): void


class MyLambdaFunction extends CommandableLambdaFunction {
    private _controller: IMyController;
    public constructor() {
        base("mygroup", "MyGroup lambda function");
            new Descriptor("mygroup","controller","*","*","1.0")
let lambda = new MyLambdaFunction();
console.log("MyLambdaFunction is started");

See also