
Abstract client that calls commandable Azure Functions.

Implements: IConfigurable, IReferenceable


Commandable services are generated automatically for ICommandable objects. Each command is exposed as action determined by “cmd” parameter.

Configuration parameters

  • connections:
    • uri: (optional) full connection string or use protocol, app_name and function_name to build
    • protocol: (optional) connection protocol
    • app_name: (optional) Azure Function application name
    • function_name: (optional) Azure Function name
  • options:
    • retries: number of retries (default: 3)
    • connect_timeout: connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 sec)
    • timeout: invocation timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 sec)
  • credentials:
    • auth_code: Azure Function auth code if use custom authorization provide empty string


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages.
  • *:counters:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements.
  • *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connections.
  • *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) Credential stores to resolve credentials.


Creates a new instance of this client.

public constructor(name: string)

  • values: string - a service name.

Instance methods


Calls a remote action in Azure Function. The name of the action is added as “cmd” parameter to the action parameters.

public callCommand<T>(cmd: string, context: IContext, params: any): Promise<T>

  • cmd: string - an action name
  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • params: any - command parameters.
  • returns: Promise<T> - action result.


class MyCommandableAzureClient extends CommandableAzureFunctionClient implements IMyClient {
    public async getData(context: IContext, id: string): Promise<any> {
        return this.callCommand("get_data", context, { id: id });

let client = new MyCommandableAzureClient();

    "connection.uri", "",
    "connection.protocol", "http",
    "connection.app_name", "myapp",
    "connection.function_name", "myfunction"
    "credential.auth_code", "XXXX"

const result = await client.getData("123", "1");

See also