
Cross-language implementation of a dynamic map (dictionary) object that can hold values of any type. It also provides several methods to convert the stored values to different types.

Implements: ICloneable


The AnyValueMap class provides a cross-language implementation of a dynamic map (dictionary) object that can hold values of any type. In addition, it provides several methods to convert the stored values to different types, such as boolean, integer or datetime.


Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.

public constructor(values: any = null)

  • values: any - (optional) values to initialize this map.

Instance methods


Appends new elements to this map.

public append(map: any): void

  • map: any - map with elements to be added.


Clears this map by removing all its elements.

public clear(): void


Creates a binary clone of this object.

public clone(): any

  • returns: any - clone of this object.


Gets a map’s element specified by its key.

public get(key: string): any

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: any - value of the map’s element.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValueArray object or returns an empty AnyValueArray object if theconversion is not possible.
See AnyValueArray, AnyValueArray.fromValue

public getAsArray(key: string): AnyValueArray

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueArray - AnyValueArray value of the element or empty AnyValueArray object if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValueArray object or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueArray

public getAsArrayWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: AnyValueArray): AnyValueArray

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: AnyValueArray - default value
  • returns: AnyValueArray - AnyValueArray value of the element or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a boolean or returns false if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsBoolean(key: string): boolean

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: boolean - value of the element or false if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a boolean or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.toBooleanWithDefault

public getAsBooleanWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: boolean - default value
  • returns: boolean - boolean value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into Date or returns the current date if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsDateTime(key: string): Date

  • key: string - akey of the element to get.
  • returns: Date - Date value of the element or the current date if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a Date or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.toDateTimeWithDefault

public getAsDateTimeWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: Date): Date

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: Date - default value
  • returns: Date - Date value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a double or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsDouble(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: number - double value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a double or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.toDoubleWithDefault

public getAsDoubleWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: number): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: number - default value
  • returns: number - double value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a float or returns 0 if conversion the is not possible.

public getAsFloat(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: number - float value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts map’s element into a float or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.toFloatWithDefault

public getAsFloatWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: number): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: number - default value
  • returns: number - flaot value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an integer or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsInteger(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: number - integer value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an integer or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.toIntegerWithDefault

public getAsIntegerWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: number): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: number - default value
  • returns: number - integer value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a long or returns 0 if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.toIntegerWithDefault

public getAsLong(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: number - long value of the element or 0 if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a long or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.toLongWithDefault

public getAsLongWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: number): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: number - default value
  • returns: number - long value of the element or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValueMap object or returns an empty AnyValueMap object if the conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.toLongWithDefault

public getAsMap(key: string): AnyValueMap

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueMap value of the element or empty AnyValueMap object if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValueMap object or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsMapWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: AnyValueMap): AnyValueMap

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: AnyValueMap - default value
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueMap value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValueArray object or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueMap, AnyValueMap.fromValue

public getAsNullableArray(key: string): AnyValueMap

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueArray value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a boolean or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.toNullableBoolean

public getAsNullableBoolean(key: string): boolean

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: boolean - boolean value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts map element into a long or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.toNullableDateTime

public getAsNullableDateTime(key: string): Date

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: Date - Date value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a double or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.toNullableDouble

public getAsNullableDouble(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: number - double value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a float or returns null if the conversion is not possible. See FloatConverter.toNullableFloat

public getAsNullableFloat(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: number - float value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an integer or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.toNullableInteger

public getAsNullableInteger(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • returns: number - integer value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a long or returns null if conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.toNullableLong

public getAsNullableLong(key: string): number

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: number - long value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValueMap object or returns null if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsNullableMap(key: string): AnyValueMap

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyValueMap value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a string or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
See StringConverter.toNullableString

public getAsNullableString(key: string): string

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: string - string value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map element into a value defined by a specified typecode. If conversion is not possible, it returns null.
See TypeConverter.toNullableType

public getAsNullableType<T>(type: TypeCode, key: string): T

  • type: TypeCode - TypeCode that defines the type of the result.
  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: T - element’s value defined by the type code or null if the conversion is not supported.


Gets the value stored in a map’s element without any conversions. When the element’s key is not defined, it returns the entire map value.

public getAsObject(key: string = undefined): any

  • key: string - (optional) key of the element to get
  • returns: any - element’s value or value of the map when the index is not defined.


Converts a map’s element into a string or returns "" if the conversion is not possible.

public getAsString(key: string): string

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: string - string value of the element or "" if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a string or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible. See StringConverter.toStringWithDefault

public getAsStringWithDefault(key: string, defaultValue: string): string

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • defaultValue: string - default value
  • returns: string - string value of the element or given default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a value defined by a specified type code. If the conversion is not possible, it returns the default value for the specified type.

public getAsType<T>(type: TypeCode, key: string): T

  • type: TypeCode - TypeCode that defines the type of the result.
  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: T - element’s value defined by the typecode or default if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into a value defined by a specified type code. If the conversion is not possible, it returns a given default value.
See TypeConverter.toTypeWithDefault

public getAsTypeWithDefault<T>(type: TypeCode, key: string, defaultValue: T): T

  • type: TypeCode - TypeCode that defines the type of the result
  • key: string - key of element to get.
  • defaultValue: T - default value
  • returns: T - element’s value defined by the typecode or default value if the conversion is not supported.


Converts a map’s element into an AnyValue object or returns an empty AnyValue object if the conversion is not possible.
See AnyValue, AnyValue.constructors

public getAsValue(key: string): AnyValue

  • key: string - key of the element to get.
  • returns: AnyValue -AnyValue value of the element or empty AnyValue object if the conversion is not supported.


Gets the keys of all elements stored in this map.

public getKeys(): string[]

  • returns: string[] - list with all keys.


Gets the number of elements stored in this map.

public length(): number

  • returns: number - number of elements in this map.


Puts a new value into a map’s element specified by its key.

public put(key: string, value: any)

  • key: string - key of the element to put.
  • value: any - new value for map’s element.


Removes a map’s element specified by its key.

public remove(key: string): void

  • key: string - key of the element to remove.


Sets a new value to a map’s element specified by its index. When the index is not defined, it resets the entire map value. This method has a double purpose because method overrides are not supported in JavaScript.

public setAsObject(key: any, value: any = undefined): void

  • key: any - (optional) key of the element to set
  • value: any - new element or map value.


Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a semicolon-separated list of key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;key=value3”

public toString(): string

  • returns: string - string representation of the object.

Static methods


Creates a new AnyValueMap object by merging two or more maps. Maps defined later in the list override values from previously defined maps.

public static fromMaps(…maps: any[]): AnyValueMap

  • maps: any[] - array of maps to be merged
  • returns: AnyValueMap - newly created AnyValueMap object.


Creates a new AnyValueMap object from a list of key-value pairs called tuples.

public static fromTuples(…tuples: any[]): AnyValueMap

  • tuples: any[] - list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - newly created AnyValueArray object.


Creates a new AnyValueMap object from a list of key-value pairs called tuples. The method is similar to fromTuples but tuples are passed as array instead of parameters.

public static fromTuplesArray(tuples: any[]): AnyValueMap

  • tuples: any[] - list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values.
  • returns: AnyValueMap - newly created AnyValueArray object.


Converts a specified value into an AnyValueMap object.

public static fromValue(value: any): AnyValueMap

  • value: any - value to be converted
  • returns: AnyValueMap - newly created AnyValueMap object.


let value1 = new AnyValueMap({ key1: 1, key2: "123.456", key3: "2018-01-01" });
value1.getAsBoolean("key1");   // Result: true
value1.getAsInteger("key2");   // Result: 123
value1.getAsFloat("key2");     // Result: 123.456
value1.getAsDateTime("key3");  // Result: new Date(2018,0,1)

See also