
References decorator that automatically creates missing components using available component factories upon component retrival.

Implements: ReferencesDecorator


The BuildReferencesDecorator class allows you to create a references decorator that automatically creates missing components using availale component factories upon component retrieval.


Creates a new instance of the decorator.

public constructor(nextReferences: IReferences, topReferences: IReferences)

  • nextReferences: IReferences - the next references or decorator in the chain.
  • topReferences: IReferences - the decorator at the top of the chain.

Instance methods


Clarifies a component locator by merging two descriptors into one to replace missing fields. That allows to get a more complete descriptor that includes all possible fields.

public clarifyLocator(locator: any, factory: IFactory): any

  • locator: any - component locator to clarify.
  • factory: IFactory - factory that shall create the component.
  • returns: any - clarified component descriptor (locator)


Creates a component identified by the given locator.

public create(locator: any, factory: IFactory): any

  • locator: any - locator used to identify the component to be created.
  • factory: IFactory - factory that shall create the component.
  • returns: any - created component.


Gets all component references that match the specified locator. Throws a ReferenceException when required is set to True but no references are found.

public find<T>(locator: any, required: boolean): T[]

  • locator: any - locator to find a reference by.
  • required: boolean - it True, it forces to raise an exception when no reference is found.
  • returns: T[] - list with matching component references.


Finds a factory capable creating a component by given descriptor from the components registered in the references.

public findFactory(locator: any): IFactory

  • locator: any - locator of the component to be created.
  • returns: IFactory - found factory or null if no factory was found.