
Defines projection parameters with a list of fields to be included in the query results.

Extends: Array<string>


The ProjectionParams class allows you to define projection parameters with a list of fields to be included in your query results.

Important points

  • The parameters support two formats: dot and nested.
  • The dot format is the standard way to define the included fields and subfields by using dot object notation. E.g. “field1,field2.field21,field2.field22.field221”.
  • As an alternative, the nested format offers a more compact representation. E.g. “field1,field2(field21,field22(field221))".


Creates a new instance of ProjectionParams and assigns its value.

public constructor(values: any[] = null)

  • values: any[] - (optional) values used to initialize this object.

Instance methods


Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a comma-separated list of projection fields “field1,field2.field21,field2.field22.field221”

public toString(): string

  • returns: string - string representation of the object.

Static methods


Parses a comma-separated list of projection fields.

public static fromString(…values: string[])

  • values: string[] - one or more comma-separated lists of projection fields
  • returns: ProjectionParams - newly created ProjectionParams object.


Converts a specified value into a ProjectionParams object.
See AnyValueArray.fromValue

public static fromValue(value: any): ProjectionParams

  • value: any - value to be converted
  • returns: ProjectionParams - newly created ProjectionParams object.


let filter = FilterParams.fromTuples("type", "Type1");
let paging = new PagingParams(0, 100);
let projection = ProjectionParams.fromString("field1,field2(field21,field22)")    

let result = await myDataClient.getDataByFilter(filter, paging, projection);