
Allows adding additional information to messages.


The MessageEnvelope class allows you to add additional information to messages.

Important points

  • A context object added to the data being sent/received. Additionally, a MessageEnvelope can reference a lock token.
  • A MessageEnvelope’s message is stored as a buffer, so strings are converted using utf8 conversions.


Creates a new MessageEnvelope, which adds a correlation id, message id, and a type to the data being sent/received.

public constructor(context: IContext, messageType: string, message: any)

  • context: string - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • messageType: string - a string value that defines the message’s type.
  • message: any - the data being sent/received.



The unique business transaction id that is used to trace calls across components.

public traceId: string


The stored message.

public message: Buffer


The message’s auto-generated ID.

public message_id: string


String value that defines the stored message’s type.

public message_type: string


The time at which the message was sent.

public sent_time: Date

Instance methods


Returns any the value that was stored in this message as a JSON string.
See also setMessageAsObject

public getMessageAs<T>(): T

  • returns: T - value that was stored in this message as a JSON string.


Returns the information stored in this message as a UTF-8 encoded string.

public getMessageAsString(): string

  • returns: string - information stored in this message as a UTF-8 encoded string.


Returns the lock token that this MessageEnvelope references.

public getReference(): any


Stores the given value as an object. See also getMessageAs

public setMessageAsObject(value: any): void

  • value: any - value to convert to JSON and store in this message.


Stores the given string.

setMessageAsString(value: string): void

  • value: string - string to set. It will be converted to a buffer using UTF-8 encoding.


Sets a lock token reference for this MessageEnvelope.

public setReference(value: any): void

  • value: any - lock token to reference the message envelope.


Converts this MessageEnvelope to a JSON string. The message payload is passed as base64 string

public toJSON(): any

  • returns: any - JSON encoded representation of the object.


Converts this MessageEnvelope to a string, using the following format:

If any of the values are null, they will be replaced with ---.

public toString(): string

  • returns: string - generated string.

Static methods


Converts a JSON string into a MessageEnvelope The message payload is passed as a base64 string

static fromJSON(value: string): MessageEnvelope

  • value: string - JSON encoded string
  • returns: MessageEnvelope - decoded Message Envelope.