
Abstract persistence component that stores data in MongoDB using the official MongoDB driver.

Implements: IReferenceable, IUnreferenceable, IConfigurable, IOpenable, ICleanable


The MongoDbPersistence class allows you to create persistence components that store data in MongoDBs using the official MongoDB driver.

Important points

  • This is the most basic persistence component that is only able to store data items of any type. Specific CRUD operations over the data items must be implemented in child classes by accessing this.__collection or this.__model properties.

Configuration parameters

  • collection: (optional) MongoDB collection name


  • discovery_key: (optional) key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
  • host: host name or IP address
  • port: port number (default: 27017)
  • uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it


  • store_key: (optional) key to retrieve the credentials from ICredentialStore
  • username: (optional) username
  • password: (optional) user’s password


  • max_pool_size: (optional) maximum connection pool size (default: 2)
  • keep_alive: (optional) enable connection keep alive (default: true)
  • connect_timeout: (optional) connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)
  • socket_timeout: (optional) socket timeout in milliseconds (default: 360000)
  • auto_reconnect: (optional) enable auto reconnection (default: true)
  • reconnect_interval: (optional) reconnection interval in milliseconds (default: 1000)
  • max_page_size: (optional) maximum page size (default: 100)
  • replica_set: (optional) name of replica set
  • ssl: (optional) enable SSL connection (default: false)
  • auth_source: (optional) authentication source
  • debug: (optional) enable debug output (default: false).


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
  • *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services
  • *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) credential stores to resolve credentials


Creates a new instance of the persistence component.

public constructor(collection?: string)

  • collection: string - (optional) collection name.



The dependency resolver.

protected _dependencyResolver: DependencyResolver


The logger.

protected _logger: CompositeLogger


The MongoDB connection component.

protected _connection: MongoDBConnection


The MongoDB colleciton name.

protected _collectionName: string;


The MongoDb collection object.

protected _collection: any


The MongoDB connection pool object.

protected _client: any


The MongoDB database name.

protected _databaseName: string


The MongoDB table name.

protected _tableName: string


The MongoDb database object.

protected _db: any


The maximum number of records to return from the database per request.

protected _maxPageSize: number = 100


Instance methods


Clears a component’s state.

public clear(context: IContext): Promise<void>

  • context: IContext - a context to trace execution through a call chain.


Clears all auto-created objects

protected clearSchema(): void


Closes the component and frees used resources.

public close(context: IContext): Promise<void>

  • context: IContext - a context to trace execution through a call chain.


Closes the component and frees used resources.

public configure(config: ConfigParams): void

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.


Converts an object value from public to internal format.

protected convertFromPublic(value: any): any

  • value: any - object in public format to convert.
  • returns: any - converted object in internal format.


Converts and object value from internal to public format.

protected convertToPublic(value: any): any

  • value: any - object in internal format to convert.
  • returns: any - converted object in public format.


Creates a data item.

public create(context: IContext, item: T): Promise<T>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • item: T - item to be created.
  • returns: Promise<T> - created item


Defines the database schema

protected defineSchema(): void


This method shall be called by a public deleteByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

public deleteByFilter(context: IContext, filter: any): Promise<void>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • filter: any - (optional) filter function used to filter items.


Adds index definition to create it on opening.

protected ensureIndex(keys: any, options?: any): void

  • keys: any - index keys (fields)
  • options: any - index options


Gets a number of data items retrieved by a given filter.

This method shall be called by a public getCountByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

protected getCountByFilter(context: IContext, filter: any): Promise<number>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • filter: any - (optional) filter JSON object
  • returns: Promise<number> - number of filtered items.


Gets a list of data items retrieved by a given filter and sorted according to sort parameters.

This method shall be called by a public getListByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

protected getListByFilter(context: IContext, filter: any, sort: any, select: any): Promise<T[]>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • filter: any - (optional) filter function used to filter items
  • sort: any - (optional) sorting parameters
  • select: any - (optional) projection parameters (not used yet)
  • returns: Promise<T[]> - data list of results by filter.


Gets a random item from items that match to a given filter.

This method shall be called by a public getOneRandom method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

protected getOneRandom(context: IContext, filter: any): Promise<T>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • filter: any - fileter JSON object.
  • returns: Promise<T> - random item.


Gets a page of data items retrieved by a given filter and sorted according to sort parameters.

This method shall be called by a public getPageByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

protected getPageByFilter(context: IContext, filter: any, paging: PagingParams, sort: any, select: any): Promise<DataPage<T>>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • filter: any - (optional) filter JSON object
  • paging: PagingParams - (optional) paging parameters
  • sort: any - (optional) sorting JSON object
  • select: any - (optional) projection JSON object
  • returns: Promise<DataPage<T>> - data page obtained by filtering


class MyMongoDbPersistence extends MongoDbPersistence<MyData> {
  public constructor() {
  public async getByName(context: IContext, name: string) {
    let criteria = { name: name };
    return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       this._model.findOne(criteria, (err, item) => {
          if (err == null) resolve(item);
          else reject(err);
  public async set(correlatonId: string, item: MyData) {
    let criteria = { name: };
    let options = { upsert: true, new: true };
    return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       this._model.findOneAndUpdate(criteria, item, options, (err, item) => {
          if (err == null) resolve(item);
          else reject(err);

let persistence = new MyMongoDbPersistence();
    "host", "localhost",
    "port", 27017

await persistence.set("123", { name: "ABC" });

let item = await persistence.getByName("123", "ABC");
console.log(item);                   // Result: { name: "ABC" }