
Helper class that resolves a SQLite connection and credential parameters, validates them and generates a connection URI.

Implements: IReferenceable, IConfigurable


Within database management, the SqliteConnectionResolver class plays a crucial role as it not only resolves SQLite connections and credential parameters but also takes charge of validating these crucial elements, ensuring their accuracy and security, ultimately leading to the generation of reliable and efficient connection URIs for smooth database interactions.

Important points

  • It is able to process multiple connections to SQLite cluster nodes.

Configuration parameters

  • connection(s):
    • discovery_key: (optional) key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
    • database: database file path
    • uri: resource URI with file:// protocol


  • *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services
  • *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ICredentialStore stores to resolve credentials



Connection resolver

protected _connectionResolver: ConnectionResolver


Credential resolver

protected _credentialResolver: CredentialResolver

Instance methods


Configures a component by passing its configuration parameters.

public configure(config: ConfigParams): void

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.


Resolves a SQLite connection URI from connection and credential parameters.

public resolve(context: IContext): Promise<string>

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • returns: Promise<string> - resolved config.


Sets references to dependent components.

public setReferences(references: IReferences): void

  • references: IReferences - references to locate the component’s dependencies.