
Credential store that keeps credentials in memory.

Implements: ICredentialStore, IReconfigurable, IReferenceable, IConfigurable, IOpenable


Credential store that keeps credentials in memory.

Configuration parameters


- discovery_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
- host: host name or IP address
- port: port number
- uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
- proxy_enable: enable proxy (default false)
- proxy_host: proxy host name
- proxy_port: proxy port number


- store_key: key to retrieve parameters from credential store
- username: set user name for ldap and userpass auth type, role_id for approle and k8s auth type, cert_name for cert auth type
- password: user password for ldap and userpass auth type, secret_id for approle auth type, token for k8s and cert_name auth type
- auth_type: auth type (approle, ldap, userpass, k8s, cert) default - userpass
- file_cert: client certificate file for https mode
- file_key: client key file for https mode
- file_cacert: root CA cert path for https mode


- root_path: root path after the base URL
- timeout: default timeout in milliseconds (default: 5 sec)
- namespace: namespace (multi-tenancy) feature available on all Vault Enterprise versions


let credentialStore = new VaultCredentialStore();;

let credential = await credentialStore.lookup("123", "key1");
// Result: user=jdoe; pass=pass123

See also