
The JsonConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values (e.g. a JSON object) from and to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) strings.


The JsonConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values (e.g. a JSON object) from and to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) strings.

Static methods


Converts JSON string into a value of type specified by a TypeCode.

static from_json(type: TypeCode, value: str): Any

  • type: TypeCode - the TypeCode for the data type into which ‘value’ is to be converted.
  • value: str - the JSON string to convert.
  • returns: Any - converted object value or None when value is None.


Converts value into JSON string.

static to_json(value: Any): Optional[str]

  • value: Any - the value to convert.
  • returns: str - JSON string or None when value is None.


Converts JSON string into map object or returns empty map when conversion is not possible. See LongConverter.to_nullable_long

static to_map(value: str): Any

  • value: str - the JSON string to convert.
  • returns: Any - Map object value or empty object when conversion is not supported.


Converts JSON string into map object or returns default value when conversion is not possible.

static to_map_with_default(value: str, default_value: Any): Any

  • value: str - the JSON string to convert.
  • default_value: Any - the default value.
  • returns: Any - Map object value or default when conversion is not supported.


Converts JSON string into map object or returns None when conversion is not possible.
See MapConverter.to_nullable_map

static to_nullable_map(value: str): Any

  • value: str - the JSON string to convert.
  • returns: Any - Map object value or None when conversion is not supported.


value1 = JsonConverter.to_json({'key':123}) # Returns '{"key": 123}'