
Helper class allows you to examine an object’s methods (method instrospection) and to invoke them dynamically.


The MethodReflector class allows you to examine an object’s methods (method instrospection) and to invoke them dynamically.

Important points

  • This class has symmetric implementation across all languages supported by the Pip.Services toolkit and it is used to support dynamic data processing. Moreover, because all languages have different casing and case sensitivity rules, this class treats all method names as case insensitive.

Static methods


Gets names of all methods implemented in specified object.

static get_method_names(obj: Any): List[str]

  • obj: Any - an objec to introspect.
  • returns: List[str] - a list with method names.


Checks if object has a method with specified name..

static has_method(obj: Any, name: str): bool

  • obj: Any - an object to introspect.
  • name: str - a name of the method to check.
  • returns: bool - true if the object has the method and false if it doesn’t.


Invokes an object method by its name with specified parameters.

static invoke_method(obj: Any, name: str, args: Any): Any

  • obj: Any - an object to invoke.
  • name: str -a name of the method to invoke.
  • args: Any - a list of method arguments.
  • returns: Any - the result of the method invocation or None if method returns None.


myObj = new MyObject()

methods = MethodReflector.get_method_names()
MethodReflector.has_method(myObj, "myMethod")
MethodReflector.invoke_method(myObj, "myMethod", 123)