
Helper class that allows you to examine the properties of an object (property instrospection) and to dynamically read them recursively using “dot” notation.


The RecursiveObjectReader class allows you to examine the properties of an object (property instrospection) and to dynamically read them recursively using “dot” notation (e.g

Important points

  • It is similar to ObjectReader but reads properties recursively through the entire object graph.
  • Nested property names are defined using dot notation as “”.

Static methods


Gets values of all properties in specified object and its subobjects and returns them as a map.

The object can be a user defined object, map or array. Returned properties correspondently are object properties, map key-pairs or array elements with their indexes.

static get_properties(obj: Any): Any

  • obj: Any - an object to get properties from.
  • returns: Any - a map, containing the names of the object’s properties and their values.


Recursively gets value of object or its subobjects property specified by its name.

The object can be a user defined object, map or array. The property name correspondently must be object property, map key or array index.

static get_property(obj: Any, name: str): Any

  • obj: Any - an object to read property from.
  • name: str - a name of the property to get.
  • returns: Any - the property value or None if property doesn’t exist or introspection failed.


Recursively gets names of all properties implemented in specified object and its subobjects.

The object can be a user defined object, map or array. Returned property name correspondently are object properties, map keys or array indexes.

static get_property_names(obj: Any): List[str]

  • obj: Any - an objec to introspect.
  • returns: List[str] - a list with property names.


static has_property(obj: Any, name: str): bool

  • obj: Any - an object to introspect.
  • name: str - a name of the property to check.
  • returns: bool - true if the object has the property and false if it doesn’t.

See also