
An implementation of IReferences that allows you to store and locate component references.

Implements: IReferences


The References class allows you to store and locate component references.


Creates a new instance of references and initializes it with references.

References(tuples: Sequence[Any] = None)

  • tuples: Sequence[Any] - (optional) a list of values where odd elements are locators and the following even elements are component references



A list of values where odd elements are locators and the following even elements are component references.

_references: List[Reference]

Instance methods


Gets all component references that match specified locator.
Throws a ReferenceException when required is set to true but no references found.

find(locator: Any, required: bool): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - the locator to find a reference by.
  • required: bool - forces to raise an exception if no reference is found.
  • returns: List[Any] - a list with matching component references.


Gets all component references registered in this reference map.

get_all(): List[Any]

  • returns: List[Any] - a list with component references.


Gets locators for all registered component references in this reference map.

get_all_locators(): List[Any]

  • returns: List[Any] - a list with component locators.


Gets an optional component reference that matches a specified locator.

get_one_optional(locator: Any): Any

  • locator: Any - the locator to find references by.
  • returns: Any - a matching component reference or None if nothing was found.


Gets a required component reference that matches a specified locator and throws a ReferenceException when no reference is found.

get_one_required(locator: Any): Any

  • locator: Any - the locator to find a reference by.
  • returns: Any - a matching component reference.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator.

get_optional(locator: Any): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - the locator to find references by.
  • returns: List[Any] - a list with matching component references or empty list if nothing was found.


Gets all component references that match a specified locator. At least one component reference must be present. If it doesn’t the method throws an error. Throws a ReferenceException when no references found.

get_required(locator: Any): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - the locator to find references by.
  • returns: List[Any] - a list with matching component references.


Puts a new reference into this reference map.

put(locator: Any, component: Any)

  • locator: Any - a locator to find the reference by.
  • component: Any - a component reference to be added.


Removes a previously added reference that matches specified locator. If many references match the locator, it removes only the first one. When all references shall be removed, use removeAll method instead.

remove(locator: Any): Any

  • locator: Any - a locator to remove reference
  • returns: Any - the removed component reference.


Removes all component references that match the specified locator.

remove_all(locator: Any): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - the locator to remove references by.
  • returns: List[Any] - a list, containing all removed references.

Static methods


Creates a new References from a list of key-value pairs called tuples.

static from_tuples(*tuples: Any): References

  • tuples: Any - a list of values where odd elements are locators and the following even elements are component references
  • returns: References - a newly created References.


class MyController(IReferenceable):
    _persistence = None

    def set_references(self, references):
        self._persistence = references.getOneRequired(Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "*", "*", "1.0"))

persistence = MyMongoDbPersistence()

references = References.from_tuples(
        Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "mongodb", "default", "1.0"), persistence,
        Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), controller


See also