
Data transfer object used to pass filter parameters as key-value pairs.

Implements: StringValueMap


The FilterParams class allows you to create a data transfer object that can be used to pass filter parameters as key-value pairs.


Creates a new instance and initalizes it with elements from the specified map.

FilterParams(map: Any = None)

  • map: Any - a map to initialize this instance.

Static methods


Parses semicolon-separated key-value pairs and returns them as a FilterParams.
See StringValueMap.from_string

static from_string(line: str): FilterParams

  • line: str - semicolon-separated key-value list to initialize FilterParams.
  • returns: FilterParams - a newly created FilterParams.


Creates a new FilterParams from a list of key-value pairs called tuples.

static from_tuples(*tuples: Any): FilterParams

  • tuples: Any - a list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values.
  • returns: FilterParams - a newly created FilterParams.


Converts specified value into FilterParams.

static from_value(value: Any): FilterParams

  • value: Any - value to be converted.
  • returns: FilterParams - a newly created FilterParams.


filter = FilterParams.from_tuples("type", "Type1",
    "from_create_time", datetime.datetime(2000, 0, 1),
    "completed", True

paging = PagingParams(0, 100)
myDataClient.get_data_by_filter(filter, paging)

See also