
Schema to validate maps.

Implements: Schema


The MapSchema class provides you with a schema to validate maps


Creates a new instance of validation schema and sets its values. See IValidationRule, TypeCode

MapSchema(key_type: Any = None, value_type: Any = None, required: bool = None, rules: List[IValidationRule] = None)

  • key_type: Any - a type of map keys. Null means that keys may have any type.
  • value_type: Any - a type of map values. Null means that values may have any type.
  • required: boolean - (optional) true to always require non-None values.
  • rules: List[IValidationRule] - (optional) a list with validation rules.

Instance methods


Gets the type of map keys. Null means that keys may have any type.

get_key_type(): Any

  • returns: Any - the type of map keys.


Gets the type of map values. Null means that values may have any type.

get_value_type(): Any

  • returns: Any - the type of map values.


Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.

_perform_validation(path: str, value: Any, results: List[ValidationResult])

  • path: str - a dot notation path to the value.
  • value: Any - a value to be validated.
  • results: List[ValidationResult] - a list with validation results to add new results.


Sets the type of map keys. Null means that keys may have any type.

set_key_type(value: Any)

  • value: Any - a type of map keys.


Sets the type of map values. Null means that values may have any type.

set_value_type(value: Any)

  • value: Any - a type of map values.


schema = MapSchema(TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Integer)

schema.validate({ "key1": "A", "key2": "B" })       # Result: no errors
schema.validate({ "key1": 1, "key2": 2 })           # Result: element type mismatch
schema.validate([ 1, 2, 3 ])                        # Result: type mismatch