
Comparator over two values of any type.


The ObjectComparator class allows you to perform a comparison over two values of any type.

Static methods


Checks if two values are equal. The operation can be performed over values of any type.

static are_equal(value1: Any, value2: Any): bool

  • value1: Any - the first value to compare
  • value2: Any - the second value to compare
  • returns: bool - true if values are equal and false otherwise


Checks if two values are NOT equal. The operation can be performed over values of any type.

static are_not_equal(value1: Any, value2: Any): bool

  • value1: Any - the first value to compare
  • value2: Any - the second value to compare
  • returns: bool - true if values are NOT equal and false otherwise


Perform comparison operation over two arguments. The operation can be performed over values of any type.

static compare(value1: Any, operation: str, value2: Any): bool

  • value1: Any - the first argument to compare
  • operation: str - the comparison operation: "==" ("=", “EQ”), “!= " ("<>”, “NE”); “<"/">” (“LT”/“GT”), “<="/">=” (“LE”/“GE”); “LIKE”.
  • value2: Any - the second argument to compare
  • returns: bool - result of the comparison operation


Checks if first value is greater than the second one. The operation can be performed over numbers or strings.

static is_greater(value1: Any, value2: Any): bool

  • value1: Any - the first value to compare
  • value2: Any - the second value to compare
  • returns: bool - true if the first value is greater than second and false otherwise.


Checks if first value is less than the second one. The operation can be performed over numbers or strings.

static is_less(value1: Any, value2: Any): bool

  • value1: Any - the first value to compare
  • value2: Any - the second value to compare
  • returns: bool - true if the first value is less than second and false otherwise.


Checks if string matches a regular expression

static match(value: Any, regexp: Any): bool

  • value: Any - a string value to match
  • regexp: Any - a regular expression string
  • returns: bool - true if the value matches regular expression and false otherwise.


ObjectComparator.compare(2, "GT", 1)        # Result: true
ObjectComparator.are_equal("A", "B")         # Result: false