
Schema to validate user defined objects.

Extends: Schema


The ObjectSchema class allows you to create a validation schema that can be used to validate user defined objects.


Creates a new validation schema and sets its values. See IValidationRule

ObjectSchema(allow_undefined: bool = False, required: bool = None, rules: List[IValidationRule] = None):

  • allow_undefined?: bool - true to allow properties undefined in the schema
  • required: bool - (optional) true to always require non-None values.
  • rules: List[IValidationRule] - (optional) a list with validation rules.



Gets flag to allow undefined properties

is_undefined_allowed(): bool

  • returns: bool - true to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.

Sets flag to allow undefined properties

is_undefined_allowed(value: bool)

  • value: bool - true to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.

Instance methods


Sets flag to allow undefined properties This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.

allow_undefined(value: bool): ObjectSchema

  • value: bool - true to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - this validation schema.


Gets validation schemas for object properties. See PropertySchema

get_properties(): List[PropertySchema]

  • returns: List[PropertySchema] - the list of property validation schemas.


Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.

_perform_validation(path: str, value: Any, results: List[ValidationResult])

  • path: str - a dot notation path to the value.
  • value: Any - a value to be validated.
  • results: List[ValidationResult] - a list with validation results to add new results.


Sets validation schemas for object properties. See PropertySchema

set_properties(value: List[PropertySchema])

  • value: List[PropertySchema] - a list of property validation schemas.


Adds a validation schema for an optional object property.

with_optional_property(name: str, typ: Optional[Any] = None, *rules: IValidationRule): ObjectSchema

  • name: str - a property name.
  • typ: Optional[Any] - (optional) a property schema or type.
  • rules: IValidationRule - (optional) a list of property validation rules.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - returns Schema with added optional property


Adds a validation schema for an object property. This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls. See PropertySchema

with_property(schema: PropertySchema): ObjectSchema


Adds a validation schema for a required object property.

with_required_property(name: str, typ: Optional[Any] = None, *rules: IValidationRule): ObjectSchema

  • name: str - a property name.
  • typ: Optional[Any] - (optional) a property schema or type.
  • rules: IValidationRule - (optional) a list of property validation rules.


schema = ObjectSchema(false)
                    .with_optional_property("id", TypeCode.String)
                    .with_required_property("name", TypeCode.String)

schema.validate({ id: "1", name: "ABC" })  # Result: no errors
schema.validate({ name: "ABC" })           # Result: no errors
schema.validate({ id: 1, name: "ABC" })    # Result: id type mismatch
schema.validate({ id: 1, __name: "ABC" })  # Result: name is missing, unexpected __name
schema.validate("ABC")                     # Result: type mismatch