
Implements a list filled with standard functions.

Implements: FunctionCollection


The DefaultFunctionCollection class allows you to implement a list filled with standard functions.


Constructs a list and fills it with the standard functions.


Instance methods


Checks if params contains the correct number of function parameters (must be stored on the top of the params).

_check_param_count(params: List[Variant], expected_param_count: int)

  • params: List[Variant] - list of function parameters.
  • expectedParamCount: int - expected number of function parameters.


Gets a function’s parameter by it’s index.

_get_parameter(params: List[Variant], param_index: int): Variant:

  • params: List[Variant] - list of function parameters.
  • paramIndex: int - index for the function parameter (0 for the first parameter).
  • returns: Variant - function’s parameter value.