
Interface for state storages that are used to store and retrieve transaction states.


TODO: add description

Abstract methods


Deletes a state from the store by its key.

abstractmethod delete(context: Optional[IContext], key: str): Any

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • key: str - a unique value key.
  • return: Any - removed item


Loads state from the store using its key. If value is missing in the store it returns null.

abstractmethod load(context: Optional[IContext], key: str): Any

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • key: str - a unique state key.
  • return: Any - the state value or null if value wasn’t found.


Loads an array of states from the store using their keys.

abstractmethod load_bulk(self, context: Optional[IContext], keys: List[str]) -> List[StateValue]

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • keys: List[str] - unique state keys.
  • returns: List[StateValue] - an array with state values and their corresponding keys.


Saves state into the store.

abstractmethod save(context: Optional[IContext], key: str, value: Any): Any

  • context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
  • key: str - a unique state key.
  • value: Any - a state value.
  • returns: Any - execution duration in milliseconds.