Step 5. Implementing a service

Now that we know a bit about how we are going to be storing data and how microservice configuration works, it’s time to add some logic to our microsservice. Our microservice needs to be able to calculate a device’s position based on the beacons it “sees”, as well as initiate CRUD operations for the data it handles. Let’s create a logic folder under the src directory and start by defining an interface:


import { FilterParams, PagingParams, DataPage } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { Context } from 'pip-services4-components-node';

import { BeaconV1 } from '../../src/data/version1/BeaconV1';

export interface IBeaconsService {
    getBeacons(ctx: Context, filter: FilterParams,
        paging: PagingParams): Promise<DataPage<BeaconV1>>;

    getBeaconById(ctx: Context, beaconId: string): Promise<BeaconV1>;

    getBeaconByUdi(ctx: Context, beaconId: string): Promise<BeaconV1>;

    calculatePosition(ctx: Context, siteId: string, udis: string[]): Promise<any>;

    createBeacon(ctx: Context, beacon: BeaconV1): Promise<BeaconV1>;

    updateBeacon(ctx: Context, beacon: BeaconV1): Promise<BeaconV1>;

    deleteBeaconById(ctx: Context, beaconId: string): Promise<BeaconV1>;


package logic

import (

	data1 ""
	cquery ""

type IBeaconsService interface {
	GetBeacons(ctx context.Context, filter cquery.FilterParams, paging cquery.PagingParams) (cquery.DataPage[data1.BeaconV1], error)

	GetBeaconById(ctx context.Context, beaconId string) (data1.BeaconV1, error)

	GetBeaconByUdi(ctx context.Context, beaconId string) (data1.BeaconV1, error)

	CalculatePosition(ctx context.Context, siteId string, udis []string) (data1.GeoPointV1, error)

	CreateBeacon(ctx context.Context, beacon data1.BeaconV1) (data1.BeaconV1, error)

	UpdateBeacon(ctx context.Context, beacon data1.BeaconV1) (data1.BeaconV1, error)

	DeleteBeaconById(ctx context.Context, beaconId string) (data1.BeaconV1, error)


from typing import Any, List, Optional

from pip_services4_data.query import PagingParams, FilterParams, DataPage
from pip_services4_components.context import IContext

from import BeaconV1

class IBeaconsService:
    def get_beacons_by_filter(self, context: Optional[IContext], filter: FilterParams, paging: PagingParams) -> DataPage:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

    def get_beacon_by_id(self, context: Optional[IContext], id: str) -> BeaconV1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

    def get_beacon_by_udi(self, context: Optional[IContext], udi: str) -> BeaconV1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

    def calculate_position(self, context: Optional[IContext], site_id: str, udis: List[str]) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

    def create_beacon(self, context: Optional[IContext], entity: BeaconV1) -> BeaconV1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

    def update_beacon(self, context: Optional[IContext], entity: BeaconV1) -> BeaconV1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

    def delete_beacon_by_id(self, context: Optional[IContext], id: str) -> BeaconV1:
        raise NotImplementedError('Method from interface definition')

Not available

Once our interface is ready, we can move on to implementing the actual service. Its code is also going to be quite simple, as all we need to write is one method for calculating a device’s position, and the other methods will just be wrappers for the methods we wrote in our persistence components.


import { FilterParams } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { PagingParams } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { DataPage } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { IConfigurable } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { Descriptor } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { IReferences } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { IReferenceable } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { Context } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { IdGenerator } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { CommandSet } from 'pip-services4-rpc-node';
import { ICommandable } from 'pip-services4-rpc-node';

import { BeaconV1 } from '../../src/data/version1/BeaconV1';
import { IBeaconsPersistence } from '../../src/persistence/IBeaconsPersistence';
import { IBeaconsService } from './IBeaconsService';
import { BeaconTypeV1 } from '../../src/data/version1/BeaconTypeV1';
import { BeaconsCommandSet } from './BeaconsCommandSet';

export class BeaconsService implements IBeaconsService, IConfigurable, IReferenceable, ICommandable {
    private _persistence: IBeaconsPersistence;
    private _commandSet: BeaconsCommandSet;

    public constructor() { }

    public configure(config: ConfigParams): void {

    public setReferences(references: IReferences): void {
        this._persistence = references.getOneRequired<IBeaconsPersistence>(
            new Descriptor('beacons', 'persistence', '*', '*', '1.0')

    public getCommandSet(): CommandSet {
        if (this._commandSet == null) {
            this._commandSet = new BeaconsCommandSet(this);

        return this._commandSet;

    public getBeacons(correlationId: string, filter: FilterParams,
        paging: PagingParams): Promise<DataPage<BeaconV1>> {
        return this._persistence.getPageByFilter(correlationId, filter, paging);

    public getBeaconById(correlationId: string, beaconId: string): Promise<BeaconV1> {
        return this._persistence.getOneById(correlationId, beaconId);

    public getBeaconByUdi(correlationId: string, beaconId: string): Promise<BeaconV1> {
        return this._persistence.getOneByUdi(correlationId, beaconId);

    public async calculatePosition(correlationId: string, siteId: string, udis: string[]): Promise<any> {
        if (udis == null || udis.length == 0) {
            return null;

        let page = await this._persistence.getPageByFilter(
                'site_id', siteId,
                'udis', udis
        let beacons = || [];

        let lat = 0;
        let lng = 0;
        let count = 0;
        for (let beacon of beacons) {
            if ( != null 
                && == 'Point'
                && Array.isArray( {
                    lng +=[0];
                    lat +=[1];
                    count += 1;

        if (count == 0) {
            return null;

        let position = {
            type: 'Point',
            coordinates: [lng / count, lat / count]
        return position;

    public createBeacon(ctx: Context, beacon: BeaconV1): Promise<BeaconV1> { = || IdGenerator.nextLong();
        beacon.type = beacon.type || BeaconTypeV1.Unknown;

        return this._persistence.create(ctx, beacon);

    public updateBeacon(ctx: Context, beacon: BeaconV1): Promise<BeaconV1> {
        beacon.type = beacon.type || BeaconTypeV1.Unknown;
        return this._persistence.update(ctx, beacon);

    public deleteBeaconById(ctx: Context, beaconId: string): Promise<BeaconV1> {
        return this._persistence.deleteById(ctx, beaconId);



package logic

import (

	data1 ""
	persist ""
	cconf ""
	cref ""
	cdata ""
	cquery ""
	ccmd ""

type BeaconsService struct {
	persistence persist.IBeaconsPersistence
	commandSet  *BeaconsCommandSet

func NewBeaconsService() *BeaconsService {
	c := &BeaconsService{}
	return c

func (c *BeaconsService) Configure(ctx context.Context, config *cconf.ConfigParams) {
	// Read configuration parameters here...

func (c *BeaconsService) SetReferences(ctx context.Context, references cref.IReferences) {
	locator := cref.NewDescriptor("beacons", "persistence", "*", "*", "1.0")
	p, err := references.GetOneRequired(locator)
	if p != nil && err == nil {
		if _pers, ok := p.(persist.IBeaconsPersistence); ok {
			c.persistence = _pers
	panic(cref.NewReferenceError(ctx, locator))

func (c *BeaconsService) GetCommandSet() *ccmd.CommandSet {
	if c.commandSet == nil {
		c.commandSet = NewBeaconsCommandSet(c)
	return &c.commandSet.CommandSet

func (c *BeaconsService) GetBeacons(ctx context.Context,
	filter cquery.FilterParams, paging cquery.PagingParams) (cquery.DataPage[data1.BeaconV1], error) {
	return c.persistence.GetPageByFilter(ctx, filter, paging)

func (c *BeaconsService) GetBeaconById(ctx context.Context,
	beaconId string) (data1.BeaconV1, error) {

	return c.persistence.GetOneById(ctx, beaconId)

func (c *BeaconsService) GetBeaconByUdi(ctx context.Context,
	beaconId string) (data1.BeaconV1, error) {

	return c.persistence.GetOneByUdi(ctx, beaconId)

func (c *BeaconsService) CalculatePosition(ctx context.Context,
	siteId string, udis []string) (data1.GeoPointV1, error) {

	if udis == nil || len(udis) == 0 {
		return data1.GeoPointV1{}, nil

	page, err := c.persistence.GetPageByFilter(

			"site_id", siteId,
			"udis", udis,

	if err != nil || !page.HasData() {
		return data1.GeoPointV1{}, err

	var lat float32 = 0
	var lng float32 = 0
	var count = 0

	for _, beacon := range page.Data {
		if beacon.Center.Type == "Point" {
			lng += beacon.Center.Coordinates[0]
			lat += beacon.Center.Coordinates[1]
			count += 1

	pos := data1.GeoPointV1{
		Type:        "Point",
		Coordinates: make([]float32, 2, 2),

	if count > 0 {
		pos.Type = "Point"
		pos.Coordinates[0] = lng / (float32)(count)
		pos.Coordinates[1] = lat / (float32)(count)

	return pos, nil

func (c *BeaconsService) CreateBeacon(ctx context.Context,
	beacon data1.BeaconV1) (data1.BeaconV1, error) {

	if beacon.Id == "" {
		beacon.Id = cdata.IdGenerator.NextLong()

	if beacon.Type == "" {
		beacon.Type = data1.Unknown

	return c.persistence.Create(ctx, beacon)

func (c *BeaconsService) UpdateBeacon(ctx context.Context,
	beacon data1.BeaconV1) (data1.BeaconV1, error) {

	if beacon.Type == "" {
		beacon.Type = data1.Unknown

	return c.persistence.Update(ctx, beacon)

func (c *BeaconsService) DeleteBeaconById(ctx context.Context,
	beaconId string) (data1.BeaconV1, error) {

	return c.persistence.DeleteById(ctx, beaconId)


from typing import List, Any, Optional

from pip_services4_rpc.commands import ICommandable, CommandSet
from pip_services4_components.config import IConfigurable, ConfigParams
from pip_services4_data.query import FilterParams, PagingParams, DataPage
from pip_services4_components.refer import IReferenceable, Descriptor, IReferences
from pip_services4_components.context import IContext

from import BeaconV1
from ..logic.BeaconsCommandSet import BeaconsCommandSet
from ..logic.IBeaconsController import IBeaconsController
from ..persistence import IBeaconsPersistence

class BeaconsService(IBeaconsService, IConfigurable, IReferenceable, ICommandable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.__persistence: IBeaconsPersistence = None
        self.__command_set: BeaconsCommandSet = None

    def configure(self, config: ConfigParams):

    def get_command_set(self) -> CommandSet:
        if self.__command_set is None:
            self.__command_set = BeaconsCommandSet(self)
        return self.__command_set

    def set_references(self, references: IReferences):
        self.__persistence = references.get_one_required(Descriptor("beacons", "persistence", "*", "*", "1.0"))

    def get_beacons_by_filter(self, context: Optional[IContext], filter: FilterParams, paging: PagingParams) -> DataPage:
        return self.__persistence.get_page_by_filter(context, filter, paging)

    def get_beacon_by_id(self, context: Optional[IContext], id: str) -> BeaconV1:
        return self.__persistence.get_one_by_id(context, id)

    def get_beacon_by_udi(self, context: Optional[IContext], udi: str) -> BeaconV1:
        return self.__persistence.get_one_by_udi(context, udi)

    def calculate_position(self, context: Optional[IContext], site_id: str, udis: List[str]) -> Any:
        if udis is None or len(udis) == 0:
            return None

        result = self.__persistence.get_page_by_filter(context,
                                                       FilterParams.from_tuples("site_id", site_id, "udis", udis), None)
        beacons =

        lat = 0
        lng = 0
        count = 0
        for beacon in beacons:
            if is not None and['type'] == "Point" and len(
          ['coordinates']) > 1:
                lng = lng +['coordinates'][0]
                lat = lat +['coordinates'][1]
                count = count + 1

        if count == 0:
            return None

        position = {"type": 'Point', "coordinates": [lng / count, lat / count]}
        return position

    def create_beacon(self, context: Optional[IContext], entity: BeaconV1) -> BeaconV1:
        return self.__persistence.create(context, entity)

    def update_beacon(self, context: Optional[IContext], entity: BeaconV1) -> BeaconV1:
        return self.__persistence.update(context, entity)

    def delete_beacon_by_id(self, context: Optional[IContext], id: str) -> BeaconV1:
        return self.__persistence.delete_by_id(context, id)
Not available

Pay special attention to the following two methods in the code above:

  • setReferences
  • getCommandSet

The first one sets a dependency upon a persistence using the descriptor beacons:persistence:::1.0. This descriptor reads: we don’t necessarily care which persistence we are given, as long as it implements the IBeaconsPersistence interface via the Referenceable pattern. This way, our controller can be used with the memory persistence, the mongoDB one, or any other one that meets this requirement.

The second method is used to get a set of commands, with which we can control this controller using the Commandable pattern. In our case, it will be used by the commandable HTTP service. If you’re not yet familiar with the Commandable pattern, make sure to find some time and read about it here. To complete this pattern, lets implement a class called BeaconsCommandSet:


import { CommandSet } from 'pip-services4-rpc-node';IBeaconsService
import { ICommand } from 'pip-services4-rpc-node';
import { Command } from 'pip-services4-rpc-node';
import { ObjectSchema } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { FilterParamsSchema } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { PagingParamsSchema } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { ArraySchema } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { TypeCode } from 'pip-services4-commons-node';
import { Parameters } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { IContext } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { FilterParams } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { PagingParams } from 'pip-services4-data-node';

import { BeaconV1Schema } from '../../src/data/version1/BeaconV1Schema';
import { IBeaconsService } from '../../src/service/IBeaconsService';

export class BeaconsCommandSet extends CommandSet {
    private _service: IBeaconsService;

    constructor(service: IBeaconsService) {

        this._service = service;


    private makeGetBeaconsCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withOptionalProperty('filter', new FilterParamsSchema())
                .withOptionalProperty('paging', new PagingParamsSchema()),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let filter = FilterParams.fromValue(args.get('filter'));
                let paging = PagingParams.fromValue(args.get('paging'));
                return await this._service.getBeacons(ctx, filter, paging);

    private makeGetBeaconByIdCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withRequiredProperty('beacon_id', TypeCode.String),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let beaconId = args.getAsString('beacon_id');
                return await this._service.getBeaconById(ctx, beaconId);

    private makeGetBeaconByUdiCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withRequiredProperty('udi', TypeCode.String),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let udi = args.getAsString('udi');
                return await this._service.getBeaconByUdi(ctx, udi);

    private makeCalculatePositionCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withRequiredProperty('site_id', TypeCode.String)
                .withRequiredProperty('udis', new ArraySchema(TypeCode.String)),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let siteId = args.getAsString('site_id');
                let udis = args.getAsObject('udis');
                return await this._service.calculatePosition(ctx, siteId, udis);

    private makeCreateBeaconCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withRequiredProperty('beacon', new BeaconV1Schema()),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let beacon = args.getAsObject('beacon');
                return await this._service.createBeacon(ctx, beacon);

    private makeUpdateBeaconCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withRequiredProperty('beacon', new BeaconV1Schema()),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let beacon = args.getAsObject('beacon');
                return await this._service.updateBeacon(ctx, beacon);
    private makeDeleteBeaconByIdCommand(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true)
                .withRequiredProperty('beacon_id', TypeCode.String),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let beaconId = args.getAsString('beacon_id');
                return await this._service.deleteBeaconById(ctx, beaconId);



package logic

import (

	data1 ""
	cconv ""
	exec ""
	cquery ""
	cvalid ""
	ccmd ""

type BeaconsCommandSet struct {
	controller      IBeaconsService
	beaconConvertor cconv.IJSONEngine[data1.BeaconV1]

func NewBeaconsCommandSet(controller IBeaconsService) *BeaconsCommandSet {
	c := &BeaconsCommandSet{
		CommandSet:      *ccmd.NewCommandSet(),
		controller:      controller,
		beaconConvertor: cconv.NewDefaultCustomTypeJsonConvertor[data1.BeaconV1](),


	return c

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeGetBeaconsCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithOptionalProperty("filter", cvalid.NewFilterParamsSchema()).
			WithOptionalProperty("paging", cvalid.NewPagingParamsSchema()),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {
			filter := cquery.NewEmptyFilterParams()
			paging := cquery.NewEmptyPagingParams()
			if _val, ok := args.Get("filter"); ok {
				filter = cquery.NewFilterParamsFromValue(_val)
			if _val, ok := args.Get("paging"); ok {
				paging = cquery.NewPagingParamsFromValue(_val)
			return c.controller.GetBeacons(ctx, *filter, *paging)

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeGetBeaconByIdCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("beacon_id", cconv.String),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {
			return c.controller.GetBeaconById(ctx, args.GetAsString("beacon_id"))

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeGetBeaconByUdiCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("udi", cconv.String),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {
			return c.controller.GetBeaconByUdi(ctx, args.GetAsString("udi"))

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeCalculatePositionCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("site_id", cconv.String).
			WithRequiredProperty("udis", cvalid.NewArraySchema(cconv.String)),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {
			return c.controller.CalculatePosition(

				strings.Split(args.GetAsString("udis"), ","),

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeCreateBeaconCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("beacon", data1.NewBeaconV1Schema()),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {

			var beacon data1.BeaconV1
			if _beacon, ok := args.GetAsObject("beacon"); ok {
				buf, err := cconv.JsonConverter.ToJson(_beacon)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				beacon, err = c.beaconConvertor.FromJson(buf)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
			return c.controller.CreateBeacon(ctx, beacon)

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeUpdateBeaconCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("beacon", data1.NewBeaconV1Schema()),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {
			var beacon data1.BeaconV1
			if _beacon, ok := args.GetAsObject("beacon"); ok {
				buf, err := cconv.JsonConverter.ToJson(_beacon)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				beacon, err = c.beaconConvertor.FromJson(buf)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
			return c.controller.UpdateBeacon(ctx, beacon)

func (c *BeaconsCommandSet) makeDeleteBeaconByIdCommand() ccmd.ICommand {
	return ccmd.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("beacon_id", cconv.String),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *exec.Parameters) (result any, err error) {
			return c.controller.DeleteBeaconById(ctx, args.GetAsString("beacon_id"))


from pip_services4_rpc.commands import CommandSet, Command, ICommand
from pip_services4_commons.convert import TypeCode
from pip_services4_data.query import FilterParams, PagingParams
from pip_services4_data.validate import ObjectSchema, FilterParamsSchema, PagingParamsSchema, ArraySchema

from . import IBeaconsController
from import BeaconV1Schema

class BeaconsCommandSet(CommandSet):

    def __init__(self, service: IBeaconsService):
        super(BeaconsCommandSet, self).__init__()

        self.__controller: IBeaconsService = service


    def __make_get_beacons_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            filter = FilterParams.from_value(args.get("filter"))
            paging = PagingParams.from_value(args.get("paging"))
            return self.__service.get_beacons_by_filter(context, filter, paging)

        return Command("get_beacons", ObjectSchema().with_optional_property("filter", FilterParamsSchema())
                       .with_optional_property("paging", PagingParamsSchema()), handler)

    def __make_get_beacon_by_id_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            id = args.get_as_string("id")
            return self.__service.get_beacon_by_id(context, id)

        return Command("get_beacon_by_id", ObjectSchema().with_required_property("id", TypeCode.String), handler)

    def __make_get_beacon_by_udi_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            id = args.get_as_string("udi")
            return self.__service.get_beacon_by_udi(context, id)

        return Command("get_beacon_by_udi", ObjectSchema().with_required_property("udi", TypeCode.String), handler)

    def __make_calculate_position_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            site_id = args.get_as_string("site_id")
            udis = args.get_as_nullable_string("udis")
            return self.__service.calculate_position(context, site_id, udis)

        return Command("calculate_position", ObjectSchema().with_required_property("site_id", TypeCode.String)
                       .with_required_property("udis", ArraySchema("String")), handler)

    def __make_create_beacon_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            entity = args.get("beacon")
            return self.__service.create_beacon(context, entity)

        return Command("create_beacon", ObjectSchema().with_optional_property("beacon", BeaconV1Schema()), handler)

    def __make_update_beacon_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            entity = args.get("beacon")
            return self.__service.update_beacon(context, entity)

        return Command("update_beacon", ObjectSchema().with_optional_property("beacon", BeaconV1Schema()), handler)

    def __make_delete_beacon_by_id_command(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context, args):
            id = args.get_as_string("id")
            return self.__service.delete_beacon_by_id(context, id)

        return Command("delete_beacon_by_id", ObjectSchema().with_required_property("id", TypeCode.String), handler)

Not available

To sum up this class’s code: we’re creating commands for each of the service’s methods, and then registering them in the constructor. To create a command, we give it a name, a validation schema (if needed), and a callback function with the following three parameters:

  • context: IContext – used to identify the operation,
  • args: Parameters - the set of parameters received from the command being called,
  • callback – callback function for returning the command’s result, or an error, if one occurs.

To be sure that our new methods are working correctly, let’s add some tests for the service. The code for testing the service is listed below:


const assert = require('chai').assert;

import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { Descriptor } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { References } from 'pip-services4-components-node';
import { FilterParams } from 'pip-services4-data-node';
import { PagingParams } from 'pip-services4-data-node';

import { BeaconV1 } from '../../src/data/version1/BeaconV1';
import { BeaconTypeV1 } from '../../src/data/version1/BeaconTypeV1';
import { BeaconsMemoryPersistence } from '../../src/persistence/BeaconsMemoryPersistence';
import { BeaconsService } from '../../src/service/BeaconsService';

const BEACON1: BeaconV1 = {
    id: '1',
    udi: '00001',
    type: BeaconTypeV1.AltBeacon,
    site_id: '1',
    label: 'TestBeacon1',
    center: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 0, 0 ] },
    radius: 50
const BEACON2: BeaconV1 = {
    id: '2',
    udi: '00002',
    type: BeaconTypeV1.iBeacon,
    site_id: '1',
    label: 'TestBeacon2',
    center: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 2, 2 ] },
    radius: 70

suite('BeaconsService', () => {
    let persistence: BeaconsMemoryPersistence;
    let service: BeaconsService;

    setup(async () => {
        persistence = new BeaconsMemoryPersistence();
        persistence.configure(new ConfigParams());

        service = new BeaconsService();
        service.configure(new ConfigParams());

        let references = References.fromTuples(
            new Descriptor('beacons', 'persistence', 'memory', 'default', '1.0'), persistence,
            new Descriptor('beacons', 'service', 'default', 'default', '1.0'), service



    teardown(async () => {
        await persistence.close(null);

    test('CRUD Operations', async () => {
        // Create the first beacon
        let beacon = await service.createBeacon(
        assert.equal(BEACON1.udi, beacon.udi);
        assert.equal(BEACON1.site_id, beacon.site_id);
        assert.equal(BEACON1.type, beacon.type);
        assert.equal(BEACON1.label, beacon.label);

        // Create the second beacon
        beacon = await service.createBeacon(
        assert.equal(BEACON2.udi, beacon.udi);
        assert.equal(BEACON2.site_id, beacon.site_id);
        assert.equal(BEACON2.type, beacon.type);
        assert.equal(BEACON2.label, beacon.label);

        // Get all beacons
        let page = await service.getBeacons(
            new FilterParams(),
            new PagingParams()
        assert.lengthOf(, 2);

        let beacon1 =[0];

        // Update the beacon
        beacon1.label = 'ABC';

        beacon = await service.updateBeacon(
        assert.equal('ABC', beacon.label);

        // Get beacon by udi
        beacon = await service.getBeaconByUdi(

        // Delete the beacon
        beacon = await service.deleteBeaconById(

        // Try to get deleted beacon
        beacon = await service.getBeaconById(
        assert.isNull(beacon || null);

    test('Calculate Positions', async () => {
        // Create the first beacon
        let beacon = await service.createBeacon(
        assert.equal(BEACON1.udi, beacon.udi);
        assert.equal(BEACON1.site_id, beacon.site_id);
        assert.equal(BEACON1.type, beacon.type);
        assert.equal(BEACON1.label, beacon.label);

        // Create the second beacon
        beacon = await service.createBeacon(
        assert.equal(BEACON2.udi, beacon.udi);
        assert.equal(BEACON2.site_id, beacon.site_id);
        assert.equal(BEACON2.type, beacon.type);
        assert.equal(BEACON2.label, beacon.label);

        // Calculate position for one beacon
        let position = await service.calculatePosition(
            null, '1', ['00001']
        assert.equal('Point', position.type);
        assert.lengthOf(position.coordinates, 2);
        assert.equal(0, position.coordinates[0]);
        assert.equal(0, position.coordinates[1]);

        // Calculate position for two beacons
        position = await service.calculatePosition(
            null, '1', ['00001', '00002']
        assert.equal('Point', position.type);
        assert.lengthOf(position.coordinates, 2);
        assert.equal(1, position.coordinates[0]);
        assert.equal(1, position.coordinates[1]);


package test_logic

import (

	data1 ""
	persist ""
	logic ""
	cconf ""
	cref ""
	cquery ""

type BeaconsServiceTest struct {
	BEACON1     *data1.BeaconV1
	BEACON2     *data1.BeaconV1
	persistence *persist.BeaconsMemoryPersistence
	service     *logic.BeaconsService

func newBeaconsServiceTest() *BeaconsServiceTest {
	BEACON1 := &data1.BeaconV1{
		Id:     "1",
		Udi:    "00001",
		Type:   data1.AltBeacon,
		SiteId: "1",
		Label:  "TestBeacon1",
		Center: data1.GeoPointV1{Type: "Point", Coordinates: []float32{0.0, 0.0}},
		Radius: 50,

	BEACON2 := &data1.BeaconV1{
		Id:     "2",
		Udi:    "00002",
		Type:   data1.IBeacon,
		SiteId: "1",
		Label:  "TestBeacon2",
		Center: data1.GeoPointV1{Type: "Point", Coordinates: []float32{2.0, 2.0}},
		Radius: 70,

	persistence := persist.NewBeaconsMemoryPersistence()
	persistence.Configure(context.Background(), cconf.NewEmptyConfigParams())

	service := logic.NewBeaconsService()
	service.Configure(context.Background(), cconf.NewEmptyConfigParams())

	references := cref.NewReferencesFromTuples(
		cref.NewDescriptor("beacons", "persistence", "memory", "default", "1.0"), persistence,
		cref.NewDescriptor("beacons", "service", "default", "default", "1.0"), service,

	service.SetReferences(context.Background(), references)

	return &BeaconsServiceTest{
		persistence: persistence,
		service:     service,

func (c *BeaconsServiceTest) setup(t *testing.T) {
	err := c.persistence.Open(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("Failed to open persistence", err)

	err = c.persistence.Clear(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("Failed to clear persistence", err)

func (c *BeaconsServiceTest) teardown(t *testing.T) {
	err := c.persistence.Close(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("Failed to close persistence", err)

func (c *BeaconsServiceTest) testCrudOperations(t *testing.T) {
	var beacon1 data1.BeaconV1

	// Create the first beacon
	beacon, err := c.service.CreateBeacon(context.Background(), c.BEACON1.Clone())
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.Udi, beacon.Udi)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.SiteId, beacon.SiteId)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.Type, beacon.Type)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.Label, beacon.Label)
	assert.NotNil(t, beacon.Center)

	// Create the second beacon
	beacon, err = c.service.CreateBeacon(context.Background(), c.BEACON2.Clone())
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.Udi, beacon.Udi)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.SiteId, beacon.SiteId)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.Type, beacon.Type)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.Label, beacon.Label)
	assert.NotNil(t, beacon.Center)

	// Get all beacons
	page, err := c.service.GetBeacons(context.Background(), *cquery.NewEmptyFilterParams(), *cquery.NewEmptyPagingParams())
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotNil(t, page)
	assert.True(t, page.HasData())
	assert.Len(t, page.Data, 2)
	beacon1 = page.Data[0].Clone()

	// Update the beacon
	beacon1.Label = "ABC"
	beacon, err = c.service.UpdateBeacon(context.Background(), beacon1)
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, beacon1.Id, beacon.Id)
	assert.Equal(t, "ABC", beacon.Label)

	// Get beacon by udi
	beacon, err = c.service.GetBeaconByUdi(context.Background(), beacon1.Udi)
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, beacon1.Id, beacon.Id)

	// Delete the beacon
	beacon, err = c.service.DeleteBeaconById(context.Background(), beacon1.Id)
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, beacon1.Id, beacon.Id)

	// Try to get deleted beacon
	beacon, err = c.service.GetBeaconById(context.Background(), beacon1.Id)
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.Equal(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)

func (c *BeaconsServiceTest) testCalculatePositions(t *testing.T) {
	// Create the first beacon
	beacon, err := c.service.CreateBeacon(context.Background(), c.BEACON1.Clone())
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.Udi, beacon.Udi)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.SiteId, beacon.SiteId)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.Type, beacon.Type)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON1.Label, beacon.Label)
	assert.NotNil(t, beacon.Center)

	// Create the second beacon
	beacon, err = c.service.CreateBeacon(context.Background(), c.BEACON2.Clone())
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.BeaconV1{}, beacon)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.Udi, beacon.Udi)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.SiteId, beacon.SiteId)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.Type, beacon.Type)
	assert.Equal(t, c.BEACON2.Label, beacon.Label)
	assert.NotNil(t, beacon.Center)

	// Calculate position for one beacon
	position, err := c.service.CalculatePosition(context.Background(), "1", []string{"00001"})
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.GeoPointV1{}, position)
	assert.Equal(t, "Point", position.Type)
	assert.Equal(t, (float32)(0.0), position.Coordinates[0])
	assert.Equal(t, (float32)(0.0), position.Coordinates[1])

	// Calculate position for two beacons
	position, err = c.service.CalculatePosition(context.Background(), "1", []string{"00001", "00002"})
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	assert.NotEqual(t, data1.GeoPointV1{}, position)
	assert.Equal(t, "Point", position.Type)
	assert.Equal(t, (float32)(1.0), position.Coordinates[0])
	assert.Equal(t, (float32)(1.0), position.Coordinates[1])

func TestBeaconsService(t *testing.T) {
	c := newBeaconsServiceTest()

	t.Run("CRUD Operations", c.testCrudOperations)

	t.Run("Calculate Positions", c.testCalculatePositions)


from pip_services4_data.query import FilterParams, PagingParams
from pip_services4_components.refer import References, Descriptor

from import BeaconV1, BeaconTypeV1
from src.logic.BeaconsController import BeaconsController
from src.persistence.BeaconsMemoryPersistence import BeaconsMemoryPersistence

BEACON1 = BeaconV1("1", "1", BeaconTypeV1.AltBeacon, "00001", "TestBeacon1", {"type": 'Point', "coordinates": [0, 0]},
BEACON2 = BeaconV1("2", "1", BeaconTypeV1.iBeacon, "00002", "TestBeacon2", {"type": 'Point', "coordinates": [2, 2]}, 70)
BEACON3 = BeaconV1("3", "2", BeaconTypeV1.AltBeacon, "00003", "TestBeacon3", {"type": 'Point', "coordinates": [10, 10]},

class TestBeaconsService():
    _persistence: BeaconsMemoryPersistence
    _service: BeaconsService

    def setup_class(cls):
        cls._persistence = BeaconsMemoryPersistence()
        cls._service = BeaconsService()
        references = References.from_tuples(Descriptor('beacons', 'persistence', 'memory', 'default', '1.0'),
                                            Descriptor('beacons', 'service', 'default', 'default', '1.0'),


    def teardown_class(cls):

    def test_crud_operations(self):
        # Create the first beacon
        beacon1 = self._service.create_beacon(None, BEACON1)

        assert beacon1 is not None
        assert ==
        assert beacon1.site_id == BEACON1.site_id
        assert beacon1.udi == BEACON1.udi
        assert beacon1.type == BEACON1.type
        assert beacon1.label == BEACON1.label
        assert is not None

        # Create the second beacon
        beacon2 = self._service.create_beacon(None, BEACON2)

        assert beacon2 is not None
        assert ==
        assert beacon2.site_id == BEACON2.site_id
        assert beacon2.udi == BEACON2.udi
        assert beacon2.type == BEACON2.type
        assert beacon2.label == BEACON2.label
        assert is not None

        # Get all beacons
        page = self._service.get_beacons_by_filter(None, FilterParams(), PagingParams())
        assert page is not None
        assert len( == 2

        beacon1 =[0]

        # Update the beacon
        beacon1.label = "ABC"
        beacon = self._service.update_beacon(None, beacon1)
        assert beacon is not None
        assert ==
        assert "ABC" == beacon.label

        # Get beacon by udi
        beacon = self._controller.get_beacon_by_udi(None, beacon1.udi)
        assert beacon is not None
        assert ==

        # Delete beacon

        # Try to get deleted beacon
        beacon = self._service.get_beacon_by_id(None,
        assert beacon is None

    def test_calculate_position(self):
        # Create the first beacon
        beacon1 = self._service.create_beacon(None, BEACON1)

        assert beacon1 is not None
        assert ==
        assert beacon1.site_id == BEACON1.site_id
        assert beacon1.udi == BEACON1.udi
        assert beacon1.type == BEACON1.type
        assert beacon1.label == BEACON1.label
        assert is not None

        # Create the second beacon
        beacon2 = self._service.create_beacon(None, BEACON2)

        assert beacon2 is not None
        assert ==
        assert beacon2.site_id == BEACON2.site_id
        assert beacon2.udi == BEACON2.udi
        assert beacon2.type == BEACON2.type
        assert beacon2.label == BEACON2.label
        assert is not None

        # Calculate position for one beacon
        position = self._service.calculate_position(None, '1', ['00001'])
        assert position is not None
        assert "Point" == position["type"]
        assert 2 == len(position["coordinates"])
Not available

These tests can be run using the same pip test command that we used to run the persistence tests.

Our service is now just one step away from being completed! All that we have left to write is Step 6. Implementing an HTTP service.

Step 6. Implementing an HTTP service.