Beginner Tutorials

Toolkit Architecture

The Pip.Services toolkit is divided into a few dozen modules. A small part of these modules make up the core itself, while the rest are optional add ons.This tutorial explains the structure of the Pip.Services toolkit.

Microservice Structure

This tutorial explains the basic structure of a microservice. However, the Pip.Services toolkit doesn’t impose any restrictions on developers when it comes to structuring a microservice - each developer is free to choose their own path.

Three Tier Architecture

This tutorial teaches how to construct an application that sends a message to a browserusing Pip.Services components and a three-tier structure.

Building Blocks

A set of tutorials that explains the nine building blocks composing Pip.Services.


This set of tutorials explores the fundamentals of microservices and focus specifically on the design and development of microservice components. Whether you are new to microservices or an experienced developer looking to improve your skills, these tutorials will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to design and build microservice components that are robust, scalable, and maintainable.


In this set of tutorials, we will focus on one of the most critical aspects of building microservice architectures: communication. We will explore different communication components and with practical examples we will demonstrate how to implement them.


Data persistence is a critical aspect of building microservices, as it enables independent services to interact with each other and share data. In this set of tutorials, we will explore the different approaches to persistence in microservice architectures, including relational and non-relational databases.


Containers have also gained popularity as a means of deploying and managing software applications in a lightweight and portable way.n this set of tutorials, we will explore the fundamentals of microservices and containers, and demonstrate how to create and manage these components


Configuration is an essential aspect of building microservices, as it enables services to operate independently and flexibly. In this set of tutorials, we will explore different approaches to configuration management in microservice architectures, including configuring components, connections, and creadentials.


A set of tutorials aimed at helping you understand different types of caching technologies, such as memory caching, Memcached and Redis.

Data Handling

Data handling enables independent services to interact with each other and share data. Pip.Services contains a set of components that tackle the aspects of data conversion, data validation, randomnes and dynamic data types, which are explained in this set of tutorials.


These tutorials esplain how to create and manage memory locks and technologies such as Memcached and Redis.


Observability is critical for monitoring and understanding the behavior of complex microservice architectures. In this set of tutorials, we will explore the various tools and techniques used for observability.


A group of tutorials that explain how to handle asynchronous communication using Pip.Services and technologies such as HTTP, gRPC, and command sets.

Discovery Services

This tutorial teaches the reader how to create and operate a discovery service that stores connection parameters in memory.

Mustache Templates

PIP.Services offers an implementation of a Mustache engine available in its Expressions module. This implementation of Mustache is enhanced with the addition of some helpers. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MustacheTemplate component to evaluate different Mustache templates.