Commandable HTTP

What are and how to use CommandableHttpControllers.

Key takeaways

CommandableHttpController Controller that receives remote calls via HTTP/REST protocol to execute commands defined in an ICommandable component.
CommandSet Set of commands that can be called via HTTP.
CommandableHttpClient Client used to consume a CommandableHttpController.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and consume CommandableHttpControllers. This type of service is characterized by containing a set of commands that can be called via the HTTP/REST protocol.

In order to explain its functionality, this tutorial begins by explaining the necessary pre-requisites to work with this component. Then, it shows how to create a command set and a controller that uses it. To complete the task, it describes how to include it in a ProcessContainer.

Once the controller has been constructed, the tutorial shows how to consume it via a CommandableHttpClient and from any other application. Finally, it provides a full version of the controller and client and a summary of what was learned.

Creating a CommandableHttpController

To create a CommandableHttpController, we need to import this class, create a command set, and implement our version of the controller. Then, we build a process container to manage and run it. The following sections explain how to do this.


In order to create a CommandableHttpController, we need to import this component. This can be done with the following code:

import { CommandableHttpController} from "pip-services4-http-node";
Not available
import (
	ctrl ""
Not available
from pip_services4_http.controller import CommandableHttpController
Not available

Command set

The key aspect of a CommandableHttpController is its dependence on a set of predefined commands. Thus, in our example, we define a command set containing one command named greeting, which is used to create the phrase “Hello {name}” for a given name. The following code shows how to do this.

export class FriendsCommandSet extends CommandSet {
    private _service: HelloFriendService;

    public constructor(controller: HelloFriendService) {
        this._service = controller;

    private makeGreeting(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true).withRequiredProperty('name', TypeCode.String),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let name = args.getAsString("name");
                let res = this._service.greeting(name);
                return res;
Not available
import (

	cconv ""
	cexec ""
	cvalid ""
	ccomand ""

type FriendsCommandSet struct {
	service HelloFriendService

func NewFriendsCommandSet(service HelloFriendService) *FriendsCommandSet {
	c := FriendsCommandSet{}
	c.service = service
	c.CommandSet = ccomand.NewCommandSet()
	return &c

func (c *FriendsCommandSet) makeGreeting() ccomand.ICommand {
	return ccomand.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("name", cconv.String),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *cexec.Parameters) (result interface{}, err error) {
			name := args.GetAsString("name")
			return c.service.Greeting(name), nil

Not available
from pip_services4_rpc.commands import Command, CommandSet, ICommand
from pip_services4_components.exec import Parameters
from pip_services4_data.validate import Schema, ObjectSchema
from pip_services4_commons.convert import TypeCode
from typing import Optional

class FriendsCommandSet(CommandSet):
    _service: 'HelloFriend'

    def __init__(self, service):

        self._context = service


    def _make_greeting(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context: Optional[IContext], args: Parameters):
            name = args.get_as_string("name")
            res = self._service.greeting(name)

            return res

        return Command(
            ObjectSchema(True).with_required_property("name", TypeCode.String),

Not available


Now that we have our command set, we can code our CommandableHttpController. For this, we create a subclass of this component and add the service as a dependency.

export class FriendCommandableHttpController extends CommandableHttpController {
    public constructor() {

        this._dependencyResolver.put('service', new Descriptor("hello-friend", "service", "*", "*", "*"));
Not available
import (
        ctrl ""
	cref ""

type FriendCommandableHttpController struct {

func NewFriendCommandableHttpController () *FriendCommandableHttpController  {
	c := &FriendCommandableHttpController {}
	c.CommandableHttpController  = ctrl.InheritCommandableHttpController(c, "commandable_hello_friend")
	c.DependencyResolver.Put(context.Background(), "service", cref.NewDescriptor("hello-friend", "service", "*", "*", "*"))
	return c
Not available
from pip_services4_http.controller import CommandableHttpController

class FriendCommandableHttpController(CommandableHttpController):

    def __init__(self):
        self._dependency_resolver.put('controller', Descriptor('hello-friend', 'controller', '*', '*', '*'))
Not available


The next step is to define a service that contains the definition of our function.

export class HelloFriendService implements IConfigurable, ICommand {

    private _defaultName: string = "World";
    private _commandSet: FriendsCommandSet;

    public constructor() {
        this._defaultName = "Pip User";
    public configure(config: ConfigParams): void {
        this._defaultName = config.getAsStringWithDefault('default_name', this._defaultName);
    public getCommandSet(): CommandSet {
        if (this._commandSet == null) {
            this._commandSet = new FriendsCommandSet(this);

        return this._commandSet;

    public greeting(name: string): string {
        return `Hello, ${name ?? this._defaultName}`;
Not available
import (
        ccomand ""
        cconf ""

type HelloFriendService struct {
	commandSet  *FriendsCommandSet
	defaultName string

func NewHelloFriendService() *HelloFriendService {
	c := HelloFriendService{}
	c.defaultName = "World"
	return &c

func (c *HelloFriendService) Configure(ctx context.Context,  config *cconf.ConfigParams) {
	// You can read configuration parameters here...

func (c *HelloFriendService) GetCommandSet() *ccomand.CommandSet {
	if c.commandSet == nil {
		c.commandSet = NewFriendsCommandSet(*c)
	return c.commandSet.CommandSet

func (c *HelloFriendService) Greeting(name string) string {
	if name != "" {
		return "Hello, " + name + " !"
	return "Hello, " + c.defaultName + " !"
Not available
from pip_services4_rpc.commands import ICommandable
from pip_services4_components.config import IConfigurable

class HelloFriendService(IConfigurable, ICommandable): 
    __defaultName = "World"
    __command_set: 'FriendsCommandSet' = None
    def __init__(self):
        self.__defaultName = "Pip User"

    def configure(self, config):
        self.__defaultName = config.get_as_string_with_default("default_name", self.__defaultName)
    def get_command_set(self) -> CommandSet:
        if self.__command_set is None:
            self.__command_set = FriendsCommandSet(self)

        return self.__command_set

    def greeting(self, name):
        return f"Hello, {name if name else self.__defaultName} !"
Not available


Now, we create a factory that builds our service and controller. The code below shows how to do this.

export class HelloFriendServiceFactory extends Factory {
    public constructor() {
        var CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor = new Descriptor("hello-friend", "controller", "commandable-http", "*", "1.0"); // View 
        var ServiceDescriptor = new Descriptor("hello-friend", "service", "default", "*", "1.0"); // Controller

        this.registerAsType(CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor, FriendCommandableHttpController);
        this.registerAsType(ServiceDescriptor, HelloFriendService);
Not available
import (
        cref ""
	cbuild ""

type HelloFriendServiceFactory struct {

func NewHelloFriendServiceFactory() *HelloFriendServiceFactory {
	c := HelloFriendServiceFactory{}
	c.Factory = cbuild.NewFactory()

	commandableHttpControllerDescriptor := cref.NewDescriptor("hello-friend", "controller", "commandable-http", "*", "1.0") 
	serviceDescriptor := cref.NewDescriptor("hello-friend", "service", "default", "*", "1.0")  

	c.RegisterType(commandableHttpControllerDescriptor, NewFriendCommandableHttpController)
	c.RegisterType(serviceDescriptor, NewHelloFriendService)

	return &c
Not available
from pip_services4_components.refer import Descriptor
from import Factory

class HelloFriendControllerFactory(Factory):
    def __init__(self):
        super(HelloFriendControllerFactory, self).__init__()

        CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor = Descriptor('hello-friend', 'controller', 'commandable-http', '*', '1.0') # Controller 
        ServiceDescriptor = Descriptor('hello-friend', 'service', 'default', '*', '1.0')                   # Service

        self.register_as_type(CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor, FriendCommandableHttpController)    # Controller
        self.register_as_type(ServiceDescriptor, HelloFriendService)                       # Service
Not available


After we have our service and factory, we create a process container to manage our controller’s lifecycle.

export class HelloFriendProcess extends ProcessContainer {
    public constructor() {
        super("hello-friend", "HelloFriend microservice");

        this._configPath = "./config.yaml";

        this._factories.add(new HelloFriendServiceFactory());
        this._factories.add(new DefaultHttpFactory());
        this._factories.add(new DefaultSwaggerFactory());
Not available
import (
        sbuild ""
        cproc ""
        hbuild ""

type HelloFriendProcess struct {

func NewHelloFriendProcess() *HelloFriendProcess {
	c := &HelloFriendProcess{
		ProcessContainer: cproc.NewProcessContainer("Hellow", "Hello friend microservice"),


	return c
Not available
from pip_services4_container.container import ProcessContainer
from import DefaultRpcFactory
from import DefaultSwaggerFactory

class HelloFriendProcess(ProcessContainer):

    def __init__(self):
        super(HelloFriendProcess, self).__init__('hello-friend', 'HelloFriend microservice')
        self._config_path = './config2DComm.yaml'
Not available

And, then run it via the run() method.

export async function main() { 
    // Runner
    try {
        let proc = new HelloFriendProcess();;
    } catch (ex) {
Not available
import (

func main() {
	proc := NewHelloFriendProcess()
Not available
if __name__ == '__main__':
    runner = HelloFriendProcess()
    except Exception as ex:
Not available

Once our service is running, it is ready to receive requests.

Consuming a CommandableHttpController

There are several ways to consume our controller. In this tutorial, we will consider two of them, namely using Pip.Services' CommandableHttpClient class and via code.

Using a CommandableHttpClient

Pip.Services offers the CommandableHttpClient component, which can be used to interact with a CommandableHttpController. In order to use it, we need to import it first.

import { CommandableHttpClient } from "pip-services4-http-node";
Not available
import clnt ""
Not available
from pip_services4_http.clients import CommandableHttpClient
Not available

Once imported, we can create our client by extending this class. The following example shows how to do this:

export class MyCommandableHttpClient extends CommandableHttpClient {
    public constructor(baseRoute: string) {

    public async greeting(ctx: Context): Promise<string> {
        return await this.callCommand<string>("greeting", ctx, { name: "Peter" });
Not available
type MyCommandableHttpClient struct {

func NewMyCommandableHttpClient(baseRoute string) *MyCommandableHttpClient {
	c := MyCommandableHttpClient{}
	c.CommandableHttpClient = clnt.NewCommandableHttpClient(baseRoute)
	return &c

func (c *MyCommandableHttpClient) Greeting(ctx context.Context, correlationId string) (result string, err error) {

	params := cdata.NewEmptyStringValueMap()
	params.Put("name", "Peter")

	res, calErr := c.CallCommand(context.Background(), "greeting", cdata.NewAnyValueMapFromValue(params.Value()))
	if calErr != nil {
		return "", calErr

	return clnt.HandleHttpResponse[string](res, correlationId)
Not available
class MyCommandableHttpClient(CommandableHttpClient):
    def __init__(self, base_route: str):

    def greeting(self, context):
        return self.call_command("greeting", context, {'name': 'Peter'})
Not available

Which, we then instantiate, configure, and connect to our previously defined controller.

let client = new MyCommandableHttpClient("commandable_hello_friend");
    "connection.protocol", "http",
    "", "localhost",
    "connection.port", 8080

Not available
import (

	cconf ""

client := NewMyCommandableHttpClient("commandable_hello_friend")
client.Configure(context.Background(), cconf.NewConfigParamsFromTuples(
	"connection.protocol", "http",
	"", "localhost",
	"connection.port", 8080,
defer client.Close(context.Background())
Not available
from pip_services4_components.config import ConfigParams

client = MyCommandableHttpClient("commandable_hello_friend")
client.configure(ConfigParams.from_tuples("connection.protocol", "http",
                                                 "", "localhost",
                                                 "connection.port", 8080))
Not available

And then, we request a greeting and get our response.

let data = await client.greeting(ctx); // Returns 'Hello, Peter !'
Not available
data, _ := client.Greeting(context.Background(), "123") // Returns 'Hello, Peter !'
Not available
data = client.greeting("123") # Returns 'Hello, Peter !'
Not available

Using code

We can also call our controller via code and obtain a similar result. For example:

const restify = require('restify-clients');

export async function main() { 
    let url = 'http://localhost:8080';
    let rest = restify.createJsonClient({ url: url, version: '*' });

    let data = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {'/commandable_hello_friend/greeting',
            {name: "Peter"},
            (err, req, res, data) => {
                if (err != null) {


Not available
import (

func main() {
	postBody, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{
		"name": "Peter",

	responseBody := bytes.NewBuffer(postBody)

	resp, _ := http.Post("http://localhost:8080/commandable_hello_friend/greeting", "application/json", responseBody)
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	sb := string(body)
	fmt.Println(sb) // Returns '"Hello, Cosme !"'
Not available
import requests
res ="http://localhost:8080/commandable_hello_friend/greeting", json={"name": "Cosme"})
res.text # Returns '"Hello, Cosme !"'
Not available

Final code

Below is the complete code for the service and client.


import { TypeCode } from "pip-services4-commons-node";
import { Parameters, IContext, Descriptor, IConfigurable, ConfigParams, Factory } from "pip-services4-components-node";
import { Command, CommandSet, ICommand } from "pip-services4-rpc-node";
import { ObjectSchema } from "pip-services4-data-node";
import { CommandableHttpController, DefaultHttpFactory } from "pip-services4-http-node";
import { ProcessContainer } from "pip-services4-container-node";
import { DefaultSwaggerFactory } from "pip-services4-swagger-node";

const restify = require('restify-clients');

export async function main() { 
    // Runner
    try {
        let proc = new HelloFriendProcess();;
    } catch (ex) {

// Command set
export class FriendsCommandSet extends CommandSet {
    private _service: HelloFriendService;

    public constructor(controller: HelloFriendService) {
        this._service = controller;

    private makeGreeting(): ICommand {
        return new Command(
            new ObjectSchema(true).withRequiredProperty('name', TypeCode.String),
            async (ctx: IContext, args: Parameters) => {
                let name = args.getAsString("name");
                let res = this._service.greeting(name);
                return res;

// Controller
export class FriendCommandableHttpController extends CommandableHttpController {
    public constructor() {

        this._dependencyResolver.put('service', new Descriptor("hello-friend", "service", "*", "*", "*"));

// Service
export class HelloFriendService implements IConfigurable, ICommand {

    private _defaultName: string = "World";
    private _commandSet: FriendsCommandSet;

    public constructor() {
        this._defaultName = "Pip User";
    public configure(config: ConfigParams): void {
        this._defaultName = config.getAsStringWithDefault('default_name', this._defaultName);
    public getCommandSet(): CommandSet {
        if (this._commandSet == null) {
            this._commandSet = new FriendsCommandSet(this);

        return this._commandSet;

    public greeting(name: string): string {
        return `Hello, ${name ?? this._defaultName}`;

// Factory
export class HelloFriendServiceFactory extends Factory {
    public constructor() {
        var CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor = new Descriptor("hello-friend", "controller", "commandable-http", "*", "1.0"); // View 
        var ServiceDescriptor = new Descriptor("hello-friend", "service", "default", "*", "1.0"); // Controller

        this.registerAsType(CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor, FriendCommandableHttpController);
        this.registerAsType(ServiceDescriptor, HelloFriendService);

// Container
export class HelloFriendProcess extends ProcessContainer {
    public constructor() {
        super("hello-friend", "HelloFriend microservice");

        this._configPath = "./config.yaml";

        this._factories.add(new HelloFriendServiceFactory());
        this._factories.add(new DefaultHttpFactory());
        this._factories.add(new DefaultSwaggerFactory());

Not available
import (

	cconv ""
	cbuild ""
	cconf ""
	cexec ""
	cref ""
	cproc ""
	cvalid ""
	hbuild ""
	ctrl ""
	ccomand ""
	sbuild ""

func main() {
	proc := NewHelloFriendProcess()
	proc.Run(context.Background(), os.Args)

type HelloFriendProcess struct {

func NewHelloFriendProcess() *HelloFriendProcess {
	c := &HelloFriendProcess{
		ProcessContainer: cproc.NewProcessContainer("Hellow", "Hello friend microservice"),


	return c

type HelloFriendServiceFactory struct {

func NewHelloFriendServiceFactory() *HelloFriendServiceFactory {
	c := HelloFriendServiceFactory{}
	c.Factory = cbuild.NewFactory()

	commandableHttpControllerDescriptor := cref.NewDescriptor("hello-friend", "controller", "commandable-http", "*", "1.0")
	serviceDescriptor := cref.NewDescriptor("hello-friend", "service", "default", "*", "1.0")

	c.RegisterType(commandableHttpControllerDescriptor, NewFriendCommandableHttpController)
	c.RegisterType(serviceDescriptor, NewHelloFriendService)

	return &c

type HelloFriendService struct {
	commandSet  *FriendsCommandSet
	defaultName string

func NewHelloFriendService() *HelloFriendService {
	c := HelloFriendService{}
	c.defaultName = "World"
	return &c

func (c *HelloFriendService) Configure(ctx context.Context, config *cconf.ConfigParams) {
	// You can read configuration parameters here...

func (c *HelloFriendService) GetCommandSet() *ccomand.CommandSet {
	if c.commandSet == nil {
		c.commandSet = NewFriendsCommandSet(*c)
	return c.commandSet.CommandSet

func (c *HelloFriendService) Greeting(name string) string {
	if name != "" {
		return "Hello, " + name + " !"
	return "Hello, " + c.defaultName + " !"

type FriendCommandableHttpController struct {

func NewFriendCommandableHttpController() *FriendCommandableHttpController {
	c := &FriendCommandableHttpController{}
	c.CommandableHttpController = ctrl.InheritCommandableHttpController(c, "commandable_hello_friend")
	c.DependencyResolver.Put(context.Background(), "service", cref.NewDescriptor("hello-friend", "service", "*", "*", "*"))
	return c

type FriendsCommandSet struct {
	service HelloFriendService

func NewFriendsCommandSet(service HelloFriendService) *FriendsCommandSet {
	c := FriendsCommandSet{}
	c.service = service
	c.CommandSet = ccomand.NewCommandSet()
	return &c

func (c *FriendsCommandSet) makeGreeting() ccomand.ICommand {
	return ccomand.NewCommand(
			WithRequiredProperty("name", cconv.String),
		func(ctx context.Context, args *cexec.Parameters) (result interface{}, err error) {
			name := args.GetAsString("name")
			return c.service.Greeting(name), nil
Not available
# Command set

from pip_services4_rpc.commands import Command, CommandSet, ICommand
from pip_services4_components.exec import Parameters
from pip_services4_data.validate import Schema, ObjectSchema
from pip_services4_commons.convert import TypeCode
from pip_services4_rpc.commands import ICommandable
from pip_services4_components.config import IConfigurable
from pip_services4_http.controller import CommandableHttpController
from pip_services4_components.refer import Descriptor
from import Factory
from pip_services4_container.container import ProcessContainer
from import DefaultRpcFactory
from import DefaultSwaggerFactory
from typing import Optional

class FriendsCommandSet(CommandSet):
    _service: 'HelloFriendService'

    def __init__(self, service):

        self._service = service


    def _make_greeting(self) -> ICommand:
        def handler(context: Optional[IContext], args: Parameters):
            name = args.get_as_string("name")
            res = self._controller.greeting(name)
            return res

        return Command(
            ObjectSchema(True).with_required_property("name", TypeCode.String),

# Service

class HelloFriendService(IConfigurable, ICommandable): 
    __defaultName = "World"
    __command_set: 'FriendsCommandSet' = None
    def __init__(self):
        self.__defaultName = "Pip User"

    def configure(self, config):
        self.__defaultName = config.get_as_string_with_default("default_name", self.__defaultName)
    def get_command_set(self) -> CommandSet:
        if self.__command_set is None:
            self.__command_set = FriendsCommandSet(self)

        return self.__command_set

    def greeting(self, name):
        return f"Hello, {name if name else self.__defaultName} !"
# Controller    

class FriendCommandableHttpController(CommandableHttpController):

    def __init__(self):
        self._dependency_resolver.put('service', Descriptor('hello-friend', 'service', '*', '*', '*'))

# Factory

class HelloFriendControllerFactory(Factory):
    def __init__(self):
        super(HelloFriendControllerFactory, self).__init__()

        CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor = Descriptor('hello-friend', 'controller', 'commandable-http', '*', '1.0') # Controller
        ServiceDescriptor = Descriptor('hello-friend', 'service', 'default', '*', '1.0')                   # Service

        self.register_as_type(CommandableHttpControllerDescriptor, FriendCommandableHttpController)    # Controller 
        self.register_as_type(ServiceDescriptor, HelloFriendService)                       # Service

# Container
class HelloFriendProcess(ProcessContainer):

    def __init__(self):
        super(HelloFriendProcess, self).__init__('hello-friend', 'HelloFriend microservice')
        self._config_path = './config2DComm.yaml'
 # Runner 
if __name__ == '__main__':
    runner = HelloFriendProcess()
    except Exception as ex:

Not available

Configuration file

# Container context
- descriptor: "pip-services:context-info:default:default:1.0"
  name: "hello-friend"
  description: "HelloFriend microservice"
# Console logger
- descriptor: "pip-services:logger:console:default:1.0"
  level: "trace"
# Performance counter that post values to log
- descriptor: "pip-services:counters:log:default:1.0"
# Service
- descriptor: "hello-friend:service:default:default:1.0"
  default_name: "Friend"
# Shared HTTP Endpoint
- descriptor: "pip-services:endpoint:http:default:1.0"
    protocol: http
    port: 8080
# Commandable HTTP controller
- descriptor: "hello-friend:controller:commandable-http:default:1.0"
    enable: true
    auto: true
    route: swagger
    name: Friends service
    description: Commandable REST API
# Heartbeat controller
- descriptor: "pip-services:heartbeat-controller:http:default:1.0"
# Status controller
- descriptor: "pip-services:status-controller:http:default:1.0"

# Swagger controller
- descriptor: "pip-services:swagger-controller:http:default:1.0"


import { ConfigParams, Context } from "pip-services4-components-node";
import { CommandableHttpClient } from "pip-services4-http-node";

export async function main() { 
    let client = new MyCommandableHttpClient("commandable_hello_friend");
        "connection.protocol", "http",
        "", "localhost",
        "connection.port", 8080


    let data = await client.greeting(ctx); // Returns 'Hello, Peter !'

export class MyCommandableHttpClient extends CommandableHttpClient {
    public constructor(baseRoute: string) {

    public async greeting(ctx: Context): Promise<string> {
        return await this.callCommand<string>("greeting", ctx, { name: "Peter" });
Not available
import (

	cdata ""
	cconf ""
	clnt ""

func main() {
	client := NewMyCommandableHttpClient("commandable_hello_friend")
	client.Configure(context.Background(), cconf.NewConfigParamsFromTuples(
		"connection.protocol", "http",
		"", "localhost",
		"connection.port", 8080,
	defer client.Close(context.Background())
	data, _ := client.Greeting(context.Background(), "123") // Returns 'Hello, Peter !'

type MyCommandableHttpClient struct {

func NewMyCommandableHttpClient(baseRoute string) *MyCommandableHttpClient {
	c := MyCommandableHttpClient{}
	c.CommandableHttpClient = clnt.NewCommandableHttpClient(baseRoute)
	return &c

func (c *MyCommandableHttpClient) Greeting(ctx context.Context, correlationId string) (result string, err error) {

	params := cdata.NewEmptyStringValueMap()
	params.Put("name", "Peter")

	res, calErr := c.CallCommand(context.Background(), "greeting", cdata.NewAnyValueMapFromValue(params.Value()))
	if calErr != nil {
		return "", calErr

	return clnt.HandleHttpResponse[string](res, correlationId)
Not available
from pip_services4_http.clients import CommandableHttpClient
from pip_services4_components.config import ConfigParams

class MyCommandableHttpClient(CommandableHttpClient):
    def greeting(self, correlation_id):
        return self.call_command("greeting", None, {'name': 'Peter'})
client = MyCommandableHttpClient("commandable_hello_friend")
client.configure(ConfigParams.from_tuples("connection.protocol", "http",
                                                 "", "localhost",
                                                 "connection.port", 8080))

data = client.greeting("123")  # Returns 'Hello, Peter !'
Not available

Wrapping up

In this tutorial, we have learned what is and how to create a CommandableHttpController, and how to consume it via a CommandableHttpClient and from any app via code.